Agenda item

Oral Updates by Cabinet Member and Director - Specialist Children's Services


1.         Mrs Whittle gave an oral update on the following issues:-


·        Central Referral Unit at Kroner House, Ashford the benefits of co-locating partner agencies will include information sharing and better mutual understanding of thresholds.  This clearer understanding is expected to lead to a 33% reduction in the number of referrals.

·        Virtual School assessment the Virtual School Kent team was congratulated on the good comments received in this informal inspection. The school experience of looked after children has improved much over the last 18 months.

·        Launch of Kent adoption and fostering website at Kent Show on 13 July

·        First meeting of Adoption Sub-Group of the Improvement Board

·        Department of Education meeting on delivering the Improvement Notice targets this meeting had been positive, with the Department of Education acknowledging the progress made. Future targets for further improvement are an ongoing increase in social worker recruitment, improved communications between leadership and front line staff and establishing better multi-agency links between GPs and Children’s Centres.

·        LAC placed in Kent by other local authorities -  a  very useful meeting on 12 June with the Children’s Minister, Tim Laughton, was followed by a press release 13 June setting out Kent’s demands:- legislation backed by Statute to enforce the 20 mile maximum limit for placements, aiming for a  reduction to a 15 mile maximum after two years, to maintain links with friends and school and minimise the danger of absconding; all local authorities to make an annual statement to their Children’s Safeguarding Boards to say how many LAC have been placed out of their area, and what safeguarding is in place for these LAC. The Minister will interview those local authorities who place out the most LAC, to call them to account, and the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, will arrange a summit to address the issue with the 32 London Boroughs who place their LAC furthest away.


2.         She responded to comments and questions from Members, and the following points were highlighted:-


a)         the impact of placing LAC far from their home area should not be underestimated.  Kent has been trying to address this problem for years, and it might be necessary to name and shame any authorities which do not improve their placing policy; and


b)         it is good to hear that the Kent Freedom Pass is to be extended free to young carers up to the age of 18, but publicity and information around this is difficult to find online.  Mrs Whittle undertook to look into this.  Following the meeting, she confirmed to the questioner that schools, Children’s Centres and carers’ organisations are aware of the issue, but the message can always benefit from repetition. KCC Contact Centre staff will be properly briefed to respond to queries, and the relevant section on the website will be given greater prominence.


3.         Mr Ireland then gave an oral update on the following issues:-


·        Feedback on Ofsted's thematic inspection of Virtual Schools 

·        Fostering inspection – a further report on this will be considered at a future meeting of this Committee (Autumn 2012)

·        Review of the Improvement Notice

·        Update on the restructure of Specialist Children’s Services a further report on this issue will be considered at this Committee’s November meeting.


4.         The oral updates were noted, with thanks.