Agenda item

Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Allocation Policy


(1)       The report detailed the outcomes of a consultation over a proposed new Traveller site pitch allocation policy for sites both owned and managed by KCC, and proposed a revised policy for Cabinet Member decision.  It described the proposed new policy, and highlighted the key points arising from the consultation.


(2)       KCC’s objective in owning and managing sites for Gypsies and Travellers was to provide a high quality site pitch for those in need. Allocation of pitches must comply with relevant legislation and case law, in particular the Equality Act, 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998, and allocation decisions must be “reasonable” “fair” and “proportionate”.  The policy proposed endeavoured to ensure that site pitches would be rented to those Gypsies and Travellers in greatest need, and to those who might have great difficulty in securing pitches on privately owned Traveller sites which were available for rent or which have the benefit of permanent planning consent.  The proposed policy would ensure an appropriate ‘needs assessment’ was completed, applying a points system.

(3) The full purpose and agreed detail of the Gypsy and Traveller Allocations Policy Review were set out in Annex A to the report, and included details of the documents that were subject to a public consultation that ran from 5 March – 25 May 2012.  The documents recommended that the allocation policy be brought in line with social housing, as far as was possible  by using a similar system to that used by most social housing accommodation providers such as Borough, District and Unitary Councils and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).  The policy would not have any significant impact on the Kent taxpayer but should reduce the risk of legal challenge, and the costs that were likely to be associated with that.

(4) There would be no negative impact on capital and revenue budgets nor spending plans.  The risks of challenge, either over equality impact assessment, or challenges over specific allocation decisions, were minimised by the policy proposed, and the processes detailed in the report.


(5)       The proposal to adopt the new pitch allocation policy linked with Kent County Council’s Medium Term Plan by ensuring that it supported the need for a new approach. The Medium Term Financial Plan supported the overall plan.  The proposal was not related to a plan or strategy as set out in the Councils Policy Framework, therefore, would be subject to referral to the Scrutiny Committee.

(6)       The public consultation that was held between 5 March – 25 May 2012 was set out in Annex 2 to the report.  An Equality Impact assessment had been undertaken which showed that all areas of consideration had been taken into account.  Every District/Borough and Parish Council in Kent were invited to take part in the consultation as were all of the residents on all of the sites that were owned or managed by Kent County Council.

(7) RESOLVED that:-

(a)         the review of the allocation policy, be endorsed;

(b)        the Cabinet Member be recommended to approve the new policy as set out in Annex 1 to the report; and

(c)        the report be circulated to the next round of Locality Boards for information.



Supporting documents: