Agenda item

Report by Leader of the Council (Oral)


(1)       The Leader began his report by thanking his colleagues for supporting him in his appointment as Leader of the Council.  He also joined with the Chairman in welcoming all the new and returning members to the Council. He also offered his congratulations to Mr Latchford, Mr Cowan and Mrs Dean on their election as Leaders representing their groups.


(3)       Turning to the future, the Leader stated that he was sure that everybody was aware that things were going to continue getting tougher and the ask upon the organisation would be stepped up.  The Leader stated that in the last three years the Council had achieved revenue savings of some £275 million but there was likely to be more pain to come.  He stated that the Council would continue to relentlessly pursue the five Ps; partnership, prevention, personalisation, productivity and procurement, which had been the major key plank of salvation in finding the budget resolutions over the last few years and would continue to be so.


(4)       The Leader stated that it might be necessary to review both the Council’s governance arrangements and Constitution going forward and that he looked forward to discussing his proposals with all Members of the Council.  The only change that had been made immediately, he stated, was to turn Locality Boards from a formal arrangement to an informal arrangement and that in this new relationship it would be very much left to District and Borough Leaders to choose when and how they wish to work with elected Members. 


(7)               The Leader stated that he envisaged a bold agenda for the future, which he planned to set out at the next County Council meeting in July.  He ended by stating that the Council would endeavour to do what the Bishop of Dover had suggested earlier in the morning, namely improve lives for all Kent residents, particularly the elderly, sick and vulnerable.


(8)               Mr Latchford congratulated the Chairman on his appointment and he also congratulated the Leader.  He stated that the current financial situation and the need for economies and savings and to streamline the services provided by Kent County Council were clearly acknowledged by everyone. 


(9)               He stated that it was an historic day for Kent County Council because for the first time UKIP was present in the Chamber.  He offered his congratulations to all his members who had been elected to serve in the Chamber.  He stated quite clearly that he and his Members would work together with all groups in order to achieve only the best for the people of Kent.


(10)          Mr Cowan offered his congratulations to the Chairman on his appointment. 


(11)          He stated Mr Carter had mentioned the future, the next four years, and continued cuts from central government.  Mr Carter had complained about the former Labour government not giving the Council enough money and now he was challenging his own government over the lack of funds he was receiving and the massive cuts he had had to make year on year.


(12)          Mr Cowan stated that government should not stop Mr Carter from facing up to many public concerns about his administration on Primary School places, children’s services, adult social care, children’s centres, highways and much more.


(13)          Mrs Dean stated that she would like to welcome all Members to the Chamber  She spoke of welcoming old friends and some new and she particularly welcomed Mr Whybrow and Mr Thandi. 


(14)          Mrs Dean stated that the challenges facing the County Council over the next four years were the most testing she had ever seen in her career. 


(15)          Mrs Dean stated she had a concern that if Locality Boards were now meeting informally what then was the status of the discussions that had already begun at the Locality Boards where they had previously existed. 


(16)          Mrs Dean finished by saying that she and her group would continue to be a constructive opposition as they had been in the past. 


(17)          In response to the opposition leaders, the Leader stated that Locality Boards had stopped for the time being and he said that when the Council met in July he would bring a paper that hopefully would answer the questions Mrs Dean had posed.  He stated that he would work with opposition leaders on this paper and would welcome any suggestions that were forthcoming on this issue.


(18)          He stated that the education results last year had been the best the county had ever delivered and the Maidstone results had contributed to that in a very similar way to the other eleven districts.


(19)          He stated that his administration would work with the opposition parties on the Troubled Families agenda, which was enormously important.  The relationship with districts of all political persuasions was excellent on this and he would work to ensure this continued in delivery of this agenda.