(1) The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (the Local Strategy) is a requirement for Kent County Council in its new statutory capacity as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). It sets out a strategy for managing local flood risk (defined as flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses) in the county. The Local Strategy sets objectives for the management of local flood risks and an action plan for KCC and other agencies in Kent to deliver those objectives. The paper provides an overview of the Local Strategy, drawing attention to specific sections of interest to the authority. A copy of the final draft Local Strategy is attached to the report.
(2) The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 made county and unitary authorities Lead Local Flood Authorities, with a role to work alongside the Environment Agency and other risk management authorities to manage the risks of flooding. The new role gives KCC a strategic overview role for local flooding (flooding from surface water, ordinary watercourses and groundwater). As Lead Local Flood Authority, KCC also has some flood risk management powers and duties.
(3) The Local Strategy must be consistent with the Environment Agency’s National Strategy. The National Strategy sets out how all flood risks and coastal erosion should be managed in England. The Act sets out the minimum that a local strategy must contain and, in accordance with that, the Kent Local Flood Risk Management Strategy details:
· The risk management authorities in the relevant area.
· The flood and coastal erosion risk management functions that may be exercised by those authorities in relation to the area.
· The objectives for managing local flood risk and the measures proposed to achieve those objectives.
· How and when the measures are expected to be implemented.
· The costs and benefits of those measures, and how they are to be paid for.
· The assessment of local flood risk for the purpose of the strategy.
· How and when the strategy is to be reviewed.
· How the strategy contributes to the achievement of wider environmental objectives.
The local strategy aims to coordinate the work of KCC with the Environment Agency, local authorities, water companies, internal drainage boards and other partners to better understand flood risk in the county and provide effective solutions to protect the people and economy of Kent from flooding.
(4) The Local Strategy gives an overview of the flood risk in Kent, with signposts to more information, it outlines who else in the county has flood risk management functions and it sets out how KCC will exercise the new duties and powers given by the Act. It also applies a local flood risk policy to areas of the county to enable the LLFA to prioritise action. The policies were determined according to the complexity of local flood risk, and are described in the report.
(5) Where further investigations are required they will be undertaken through Surface Water Management Plans. The policies will be kept under review. Given the size and complexity of the local flood risks in Kent it is proposed that specific local actions and policies are identified and delivered through the aforementioned Surface Water Management Plans, not the Local Strategy.
(6) As a LLFA, an annual area based grant of £750,000 is received from Defra to undertake the new duties set out by the Act. The grant is in place for this financial year, and the next financial year, and will be used to fund KCC’s actions identified in the Local Strategy. The current action plan for 2013/14 is achievable within the annual Defra grant.
(7) The Local Strategy has just completed its statutory public consultation. The comments received were generally supportive with a few welcome suggestions for improvement. It is scheduled for the 24 May Cabinet meeting, and will be in place for three years, to be reviewed in 2016.
(8) The Committee requested that its appreciation of the document and Mr Tant’s input, be recorded in the Minutes.
(9) RESOLVED that the submission of the Local Strategy to Cabinet in May 2013 for formal adoption, be supported.
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