(1) North Farm was the main commercial, shopping and strategic employment area within the Borough. Primary access was from the A21 along Longfield Road – a single carriageway link road that was built in the late 1970’s. The expansion and popularity of North Farm had put Longfield Road under considerable pressure with considerable congestion and delays during peak periods and at weekends. Some 300 businesses were losing trade and future development opportunities were at risk. A scheme to improve Longfield Road to a dual carriageway standard together with improved junctions had been developed and had the support of the local business community
(2) Following a successful bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) for Local Pinch Point funding, under which the Transport Secretary had awarded £3.5m towards the overall cost of the scheme estimated at £5m, KCC was proceeding rapidly to negotiate with landowners to secure the necessary land. A condition of DfT funding was that the scheme must be completed by 31 March 2015 and hence there was considerable urgency to progress the scheme through the next stages to see if its delivery remained a viable, albeit challenging, proposition.
(3) The report included critical aspects of the scheme. Land owners would be required to dedicate or transfer land required for the scheme and to make no claims against KCC for any disruption that might result from construction of the scheme. Officers considered that binding commitments on land dedication and on the disruption issue must be secured by mid June.
(4) Some land was unregistered or in unknown ownership and while unhelpful it was not an unusual situation with major highway improvements. The procedural solution was to promote a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) limited to the areas of land. Assuming there were no objections, the Secretary of State would then be invited to confirm the CPO, thereby securing the land for the scheme.
(5) An environmental screening opinion was under consideration that would determine whether a planning application and an Environmental Impact Assessment would be required for the scheme.
(6) Scheme cost, construction procurement and construction period were key factors in affordability and target end date delivery and the aspects would be considered in detail in the coming months as the detailed design was progressed by Amey – our new engineering and transportation term consultant.
(7) During debate the following issues were raised and responded to by officers:-
· The lack of reference in the report to the master plan and the overall cost of the scheme
· Changes in ownership of sites and same use class
· Gathering developer contributions
· The need for a policy developed by the Cabinet Committee
· Local Pinch Point funding
· A21 – junction with roundabout – extra costs
(8) Mr Bullock recommended that -
(a) the Master Plan for the North Farm Estate jointly sponsored by KCC and TWBC be agreed for consultation purposes and implemented with funding obtained from all available sources including Developer contributions; and
(b) KCC enter into discussions with all Borough and District Councils but especially TWBC, to implement a new policy within their LDF Documents, that allowed Developer contributions to be attracted to infrastructure projects where commercial or retail premises floor space was either enlarged or sub-divided within the same Use Class, and that enlargement or sub-division would lead to an increase in vehicle movements which would have an impact on the surrounding roads and roads within the estate.
(9) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways & Waste be recommended to:-
(a) approve the scheme for the improvement of Longfield Road, shown as an outline design on Drg B2500600/04 Rev0 for land charge disclosures and development control;
(b) give approval to progress the scheme for the improvement of Longfield Road, shown as an outline design on Drg B2500600/04 Rev0, including any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation, with the intention of submitting a planning application if required;
(c) give approval for Legal Services to take a dedication, transfer or by some other appropriate legal mechanism, to secure the land required to deliver the Longfield Road scheme, shown in outline on Drg B2500600/04 Rev0, including but not limited to, any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation;
(d) give authority for Legal Services to promote a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of unregistered land or land in unknown ownership, and any other Orders deemed necessary, required to deliver the Longfield Road scheme, shown in outline on Drg B2500600/04 Rev0, including but not limited to, any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation;
(e) give authority for Legal Services to enter into a funding Agreement with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council;
(f) give authority for Legal Services or S151 Officer, as required, to formally accept the DfT Pinch Point funding offer when received and subject to being satisfied with the terms and conditions; and
(g) include the additional recommendations set out in paragraph (8) above.
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