Agenda item

Kent County Council's submission to the Airports Commission on proposals for providing additional airport capacity in the longer term in line with 'Bold Steps for Aviation'


– Information report of Mr David Brazier, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment and Mike Austerberry, Corporate Director of Enterprise and Environment)


(1)     Cabinetreceiveda reportforinformation detailingtheCouncil’sresponsetothe Airports Commissiononproposalsforprovidingadditionalairportcapacity in the longer term.


(2)     The Leader of theCountyCouncil spoke to the item, he reported that he had met with the  Commission  and  its  Chairman  Howard  Davies  and  had  been  able  to  give evidenceonbehalfofKentCountyCouncilregardingthepotentialimpact for Kentof the variousoptions.  Hehopedthattheissueswhichhehadarticulated,inparticular in relationtotheThamesEstuaryproposal,werewell received by the Commission.


(3)     ThesubmissionfromKentCounty Counciltotheproposalswouldalsodispute the needforanairportinthe ThamesEstuary insteadsuggestingmaximisationand expansionofcurrent airport capacity


(4)     He concludedthat bothshortterm measures and longertermsolutionswereneeded to improvethecompetivenessofUKairportsinEuropeandbothofthesefactors were addressedwithin the Council’sfull response.


(5)     No furthercomments werereceived.

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