Agenda item

A21 and East Kent Access Phase 2 - Cost Increases


(1)       Mr K A Ferrin, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste and Mr G Harrison-Mee, Director – Kent Highway Services, attended the meeting for this item.


(2)       It was noted that representatives of the Highways Agency had been invited to attend the meeting for this item but had declined to do so.


(3)       Mr Ferrin stated that an issue in relation to this was that KCC did not have an officer or Member representative on the Regional Transport Board.  He stated that this project was at the top of KCC’s agenda and that he was disappointed that representatives from the Highways Agency had not come along to answer questions as it was a Highways Agency Scheme.


(4)       Mr Ferrin explained that the Department of Transport had commissioned the Nicholls Report to recommend changes in procedures and this had the potential of delaying highway schemes in Kent due to the need to re-estimate some of the Highway Agency schemes which had reached a key stage of their delivery. This included the A21 and East Kent Access Schemes.  The re-assessment of these schemes had led to considerable cost increases, and it was difficult to see how this could be met from the fixed budget allocated.  He stated that the delay of these schemes could have an impact on the building of the Pembury Hospital. This scheme was badly needed and every effort needed to be made to press for it and to urge the Government to make adequate funding available.  Mr Ferrin confirmed that the cost difference meant that it would not be possible for KCC to contribute the additional amount required for this scheme, responsibility for which, as a Highways Agency scheme, lay with the Government.


Cost of Scheme


(5)       In response to a question from Mr Bullock, Mr Harrison-Mee said that it was not possible to compel the Highways Agency to provide a break down of the increased costs but he could ask them for this.  It would be possible for officers to do a comparison of costs, but this would also have a cost element to it.  Mr Ferrin questioned the value of KCC doing its own breakdown of costs as it was a Highway Agency scheme.


(6)       In response to questions from Members, Mr Harrison-Mee confirmed that the only thing that had changed in relation to the scheme was the funding and that, therefore, it was important to press the Highways Agency for a start date.




(7)       In response to a question from Dr Eddy, Mr Ferrin said that the key issue was whether the Government would be willing to put forward the extra money. He was concerned that, if they did and they insisted that the budget stayed as it was, the Regional Transport Board would be compelled to take one of the schemes out.


(8)       In response to a suggestion from a Member that a percentage could be raised on every Section 106 agreement in Kent to fund this scheme, Mr Ferrin was of the view that this would not be in accordance with the rules for Section 106 monies. Looking at how we could raise some funds to contribute to these schemes would not be productive as this was not our project. 




(9)       In answer to questions from Mr Law and Mr Horne, Mr Ferrin cautioned against making any representations for an offline route as this could sideline the issue. It was important to press for implementation of the plans as put forward.  He believed the objective should be to preserve the scheme and get an assurance that it would be underway as soon as possible.


(10) RESOLVED: that


            (a)       Mr Ferrin and Mr Harrison-Mee be thanked for attending the meeting to answer Members questions;


            (b)       Dr Eddy write to the Minister on behalf of Committee (the letter to be agreed cross-party) requesting that the existing timetables for these schemes be retained;


             (c)       Mr Ferrin be requested to approach the highways agency for a break down of the costs of the scheme;


             (d)      Cabinet Members be requested to promote unified support from all Members of Parliament, County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils along the route of the A21 and the letter in (b) be copied to them.

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