Agenda item

Unlocking the Potential, Growing for Growth: The Kent and Medway Growth Plan


reportof theCabinet Memberfor EconomicDevelopment, MrMark Dance andthe Directorof Economicand SpatialDevelopment,BarbaraCooper)


Cabinet receiveda reportintroducing‘Unlockingthe Potential:Going forGrowth’, the draftKentand MedwayGrowthPlan andexplaining howthe document wouldlink to the South East LocalEnterprise Partnership’sStrategic EconomicPlanandpotential future Governmentand Europeanfunding.


TheLeaderspokebriefly oftheprojects at hand referringmembersto the significant fundsavailable throughthe LEP and the importanceofplanningin advancefor fundingwhich mightbe allocated.In additionhe spoke oftheEuropeanfunding availableand urged innovativethinking and deliveryto allow non-statutoryfunctions inlight ofrevenuebudgetcuts.  Finallyhe reportedthe success of regeneration projectsin Kent and hisdesire to see thiskind ofwork continuedthroughnewfunding streams.


Thestronglocal government/ businesspartnershipin Kent, wouldhe believed,be key to thesuccess ofthoseprojects and schemesaboutwhich hehad spoken.


RossGill, EconomicStrategyand Policy Manager,spoke tothe item.  He reported that:


        ‘Unlocking the Potential’would requiretwo steps before 31 March2014 whenit wouldbe submittedto Government.Firstly,a strategy forKent and Medway that wasconsistent andagreeabletoall partiesmust be agreed by all.  Secondly,the highlevel allocations suggestedfor the use of local growthfundand Europeanmonies,inpartallocateddependanton the originof the moneyand partlyon theaims and objectivesforKent.

        Hewas confidentthatKCC wason track intermsoftiming and contentat this stageand withthe continuedwork ofall partieswould havea solid submissionby March.

        Afurther commissioningplan wouldbe producedcontainingfurther spendingdetailwould thenbe producedbeforethefundingbecame availablein April2015.


PaulCrick, DirectorofPlanning andEnvironment,spoketo the item,he particularly made referenceto the followingpoints:


        Thattheoriginal Growthwithout Gridlockdocument launchedin December 2010 whichput forwarda boldplan fortransportdelivery ofwhich much hadbeenachieved wouldnowbe replacedbya new documentallocating fundingfromthe singlelocal growthfundwhich had devolvedto LEPs.


        That£2 billionover 6 yearshad been committedby government,the allocationto Kent wasyet to bedecidedbut itwas likelyto be largely appropriatedto transportschemes.

        TheLEP federatedmodelmeant that itwas nowappropriateto include Medwayin anyplans and the documentproducedwould form the transport elementof‘unlockingthe potential’.

        ThenewGrowth withoutGridlock documentalso includednew and importantinformation fromGovernmentrelatingto the Lower Thames Crossingand tofutureplans foraviation and the impactofbothfor transportin Kent.

        TheKentand MedwayEconomicPartnershipagreed the Growthwithout GridlockrefreshinJanuary2014 and ithad been consideredby the EnvironmentHighwaysand WasteCabinetCommittee.


TheCabinet MemberforEconomicDevelopmentspoke to the item.  In particularhe made referenceto the following:


        Hecommendedthe documentas readableyet detailedandfelt that it provideda solidbase forthe work ofthe counciland partnersin these importantareas inthefuture.


TheCabinet MemberforEducationand HealthReformenteredthediscussion, he remindedCabinet ofthe Skillsdimension ofthe Growthplan.  Hebelievedit would buildon the work alreadyongoing inapprenticeshipsand employabilityfor young people.A challengeexistedto ensuremaximumopportunitiesfor those seeking employmentand those seekingto employand ensuringthat the needs of both could bemet.


TheCabinet MemberforCorporateand DemocraticServices, MrCooke, spoke of the Lorrywatchinitiative whichhad been receivedwithdiffering levelsofenthusiasmby residents. Heurgedofficersto buildsparecapacityin toany transportplans, in particularreferringto the closureofthe B2163 and the resultingtrafficcongestion that hadbeen caused.  Heexpressed disappointmentthat the newdocumentno longer supportedtwo previouslyincluded by-passschemes.


TheLeaderrespondedto the comments ofthe CabinetMemberandreported thatthe MaidstoneLocalTransport Planwas stillunderdiscussion withthe BoroughCouncil and wouldbe concludedwhen housingplanshad beenfinalised.


TheCabinet MemberforCommercialand TradedServices, MrSweetlandwelcomed theprojection ofthe Ebbsfleet valleyin 20 years timeand wassure that if realised,it would greatlyimprove the localeconomy.In additionhe referred to the introduction offree flowtolling camerasat theDartfordcrossing andthe delays to implementation thathad occurred to date.He encouragedofficersto seek to ensurethat the Departmentfor Transportfulfilledits most recentpromiseto implementthem in October2014.


TheLeaderconcludedby commentingon thedevolved natureoffuturefundingand theneed forLocalGovernmentto conceiveand deliver successfulprojectsor risk reductionin funding.He requestedthatan Executivesummarybe addedto the document inorder thatthe Governmentcan see thefreedomsandflexibilitiesthat would furtherenhancethe projectssuchas half pricetravel faresfor youngpeople andthe thoughtfulallocationoftroubledfamiliesto appropriateareasofthe council.

TheLeaderrequestedthat furtherinformationbe receivedfor considerationby Cabinet inthefuture.


It was RESOLVEDthat thereport benoted.

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