Agenda item

Verbal update by the Cabinet Members and Corporate Director

To receive a verbal update from the three Cabinet Members for Education and Health Reform; Community Services and Specialist Children’s Services; and the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services on the following:

·         Provisional 2014 Results

·         Implementation of 2014 Children and Families Act

·         Virtual Schools Kent Awards Day




1.            Mr Gough, Mr Oakford and Mr Leeson gave their verbal updates on activities that took place since the last meeting of the Cabinet Committee.


2.            Mr Gough began by advising that the implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014 was in operation from 1 September 2014.  He highlighted that the changes included the development of care plans, which would be reviewed annually, continued joint working with health professionals and an inclusive approach when dealing with the whole family.  Nationally Kent was considered a pathfinder with its implementation.


3.            Mr Gough agreed to submit a report on Elective Home Schooling to the December 2014 meeting.


4.            Mr Leeson advised that the advantages of moving to an annual care plan would not put pressure on schools as there would be an annual review.  This would be straight forward for mainstream schools but more difficult of special schools.  The DFE feedback has acknowledged that Kent was ahead in preparing schools.  If required schools would be offered additional support


Virtual School Awards

5.            Mr Oakford advised that the Virtual School Kent (VSK) annual awards took place on 22 September 2014 in Canterbury where the achievements of more than 200 children were recognized. The theme of the day was Science and the Natural World with activities which included displays by The Hawking Centre and a climbing wall.  Mr Oakford congratulated Mr Tony Doran, Headteacher of VSK, and his Team for all their support for young people.


6.            Mr Cowan advised that he attended the event with his foster children which had given them valued and positive memories.


Provisional 2014 Results

7.            Mr Leeson gave an overview of the provisional 2014 Kent examination results, which he advised were mainly positive.  69% of Early Years Foundation stage achieved good development which was above the national average.  The free school meals gap had narrowed.  The number of Kent Primary school below the floor level had halved from 44 to 22 schools in 2014.


8.            Mr Leeson advised that there had been turbulence with the GCSEs following the changes made by the Secretary of State. Nationally the publication of GCSE results had been put back until early October 2014.   In Kent the unvalidated results revealed that 61% had achieved 5 good GCSE’s.


9.            The A Level results for the international Baccalaureate were outstanding.  Many schools were looking to include the International Baccalaureate in their 6th Form offer.  There had been a slight improvement in A and B grades.


10.         Mr Leeson congratulated Kent primary and secondary schools for their continued improvements in their results.


11.         Mr Leeson responded to questions by Members as follows:


·      Members were critical of the effect of the change in the arrangements for GCSEs which they felt could have long term effects on students.

·      Members welcomed the predicted improvement in the examination results.

·      Mr Leeson advised that every child in reception, years 1 and 2, being entitled to free school meals did not take away the need to identify those children that were entitled to the additional funding, pupil premium.  Schools would need to encourage parents to inform the school that they are eligible for free school meals.


12.         A report giving the verified Kent examination results would be submitted to the December meeting of this Cabinet Committee.


13.         RESOLVED that:-


a)    the responses to questions by Members and the information in the verbal updates be noted; and


b)    reports on the verified examination results, Youth Service and Elective Home Schooling  be submitted to the December 2014 meeting of this Cabinet Committee.

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