Agenda item

Proposal SE/14/13 (KCC/SE/0375/2013) - Redevelopment of the former Wildernesse School site: demolition of existing school buildings, retention and refurbishment of Sports Centre, erection of two new secondary schools (6 f.e. Sevenoaks GS Annexe and 4 f.e Trinity School) new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, rearranged and extended car park providing 242 car parking spaces and dedicated child drop off/collection and bus zones, relocation of tennis courts into two new MUGAs and associated detailed landscaping works at Knole (east) Academy, Seal Hollow Road, Sevenoaks; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support


(1)       Mr Simon Randall (Wildernesse Residents Association) spoke in opposition to the proposal. Mr Indy Shokar (Resolution Planning) and Mr Mike Seare (MLM Consulting) spoke in reply on behalf of the applicants.


(2)       In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee decided that the recommended external lighting scheme Informative would be incorporated as a condition.


(3)       RESOLVED that:-


(i)        the application be referred to the Secretary of State as a departure from the Development Plan on Green Belt grounds, and that subject to his decision permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard 5 year time limit for implementation; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details; the submission and approval of details of all materials to be used externally; the submission and approval of details of all external lighting, including hours of operation; the submission and approval of a scheme of landscaping, including replacement tree planting, soft landscaping, hard surfacing, its implementation and maintenance; the submission and approval of details of all gates, fences and means of enclosure, including a fence to the southern site boundary adjoining ‘Greensleeves’ (to be agreed in consultation with the occupants of ‘Greensleeves’); the submission and approval of an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) prior to commencement of the development to explain how the demolition would be carried out in respect of the retained trees; the submission and approval of a scaled Tree Protection Plan (TPP) prior to the commencement of the development; the development according with the recommendations of the submitted ecological surveys/reports; the submission and approval of a detailed Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP); the submission and approval of a detailed mitigation strategy in respect of reptiles during clearance of the southern site boundary; the submission and approval of a specification and timetable for a programme of archaeological works; the submission and approval of details of measures to minimise the risk of crime; a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’ being achieved; the submission and approval of a Community Use Scheme relating to use of the indoor and outdoor facilities, including hours of use; the provision of replacement tennis courts and proposed new sports hall, activity studio and changing rooms prior to occupation, unless otherwise agreed by the County Planning Authority; the submission and approval of details of cycle route signage, including location, type of signage, and a timeframe for implementation; the submission and approval of details of on-site cycle parking and access routes; staggered/offset school start and finish times; the submission and approval of a Travel Plan for each school prior to occupation, the submission of a review within six months of occupation, with ongoing monitoring and review thereafter; the submission and approval of details of widening of the pedestrian island on the A25, including a time frame for implementation; the submission and approval of details of a signalised crossing on Seal Hollow Road, including a time frame for implementation; the provision and retention of car parking, coach/bus parking/waiting, cycle parking, access, circulatory routes and turning areas; the provision of the required visibility splays at the new entrance; the submission and approval of an On Site Traffic Management Strategy; the submission and approval of a revised car parking layout; the development being carried out in strict accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment; the submission and approval of further works in respect of  contaminated land;  the submission and approval of details of a surface water drainage scheme; hours of working during construction and demolition being restricted to between 0800 and 1800 Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays, with no operations on Sundays and Bank Holidays;  the submission and approval of a construction management strategy, including access, lorry routing, parking and circulation within the site for contractor’s and other vehicles related to construction, site hoarding/fencing details, and demolition operations, and the provision of site hoardings/screening (particularly with regard to ‘Greensleeves’) along the southern site boundary; measures to prevent mud and debris being taken onto the public highway; and the external lighting scheme adhering to the Bat Conservation Trust’s “Bats and Lighting in the UK” guidance; and


(b)   the applicant be advised by Informative that account should be taken of the Environment Agency’s advice regarding waste on site, waste to be taken off site, and regarding storage of fuels and chemicals.


Supporting documents: