Agenda item

Performance Dashboard

The Environment and Transport Performance Dashboard shows progress made against targets set for Key Performance Indicators.


(1)       The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Members for Community Services and Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained the Performance Dashboard for the consideration of the Committee.  Richard Fitzgerald, Performance Manager, was in attendance to introduce the report and in particular referred to the following:


(2)       The data within the report was to the end of May 2014.  It reflected the Strategic Priority Statements that the Committee had seen at its last meeting and included the new areas of responsibility from the creation of the Growth, Environment & Transport directorate following the top tier realignment.


(3)       Highways and Transport Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were mostly green and performance was generally good.  Contact from the public had remained high but progress was being made on this as a result of the success of Find and Fix.


(4)       Waste Management KPIs were green, a real improvement as last year there had been several amber KPIs.  While many of the Environment, Planning and Enforcement KPIs were also green CO2 emissions from business mileage per FTE, Trading Standards and Kent Scientific Services were all red.  In relation to business mileage the commentary explained that finance staff selling more services and generating income and ICT staff installing Unified Comms, both across various sites as well as additional mileage from the storms and floods emergency.  Regarding the indicators for Trading Standards and Kent Scientific Services the flows here fluctuated.  These were ones to watch and could be considered amber rather than actually red at this stage only two months into the year.


(5)       In response to questions raised and comments made the Committee received the following further information from the officer:


(6)       HT02: Faults reported by the public completed in 28 calendar days was amber in the month and had gone down. It was also commented that the online fault reporting portal had been down for several days at one stage.  This indicator was currently at amber largely due to clearing the backlog of faults. As one of the main interfaces between the council and Kent residents it was important that this facility worked.  


(7)       Expected activity levels were based on previous years trends and were set for the number of contacts and enquiries received from the public.   These figures where for works in total and expected activity levels had not been broken down into routine faults reported, potholes and street lighting, although this would be possible to put in place in the future.  The 100 Call Back Survey for customer satisfaction was a useful tool to understand customer expectations from the service.


(8)       Day burner street lighting was something that KCC aspired to not having but, in places such as tunnels, sometimes this was unavoidable.  One option was to convert said lighting to LED and this was something KCC was looking at doing with all its lighting stock.  With regard to whether the street lighting repair figures could be broken down into day burners and other reasons was something that could be looked into.


(9)       RESOLVED that the Environment and Transport Performance Dashboard report be noted.

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