Agenda item

Capacity of Highways Drainage System and its impact on Flood Risk Management


1.    The Chairman summarised the issue under consideration as a perceived failure for Highways to include a Drainage report in the recent Cabinet paper despite assurances to Mrs Dean that such a report would be present.  A supplementary report has since been provided to the Scrutiny Committee.  Mr Brazier was asked to comment on why Highways and Transportation did not provide the report in the Cabinet paper.


2.    Mr Brazier explained that Highways had not been asked to contribute to the Flood Risk Management Committee Report and that the previous Scrutiny Committee records did not indicate a requirement for any Highways action to contribute to the Cabinet paper.  This was to clarify that he believed that there had been no failure on the part of Highways and to confirm that the final Cabinet Paper will feature a drainage section.  There was a request made at Cabinet that Highways and Transportation look into the issue of Highways drainage in future which is being done with support of the KCC Drainage & Flood Manager, Katie Lewis, who will be attending the next committee meeting.  Highway drainage will feature in the next Highways and Transportation committee meeting.


3.    Mrs Dean stated that the concern was one that had been raised to Members from the community with regards to smaller scale, anecdotal flood experiences that were perceived to be caused by silting, calcification and highway drainage issues.  An assurance had been given by officers to Mrs Dean that these issues would be addressed in the Cabinet paper.  The following questions had been prepared for Mr Haratbar with a view to addressing these concerns.


4.    Mrs Dean welcomed Behdad Haratbar’s report.  Clarification was requested on what the enhanced cleansing regime for identified gullies was and whether it now more targeted.  What is the cleansing schedule and how is calcification of pipes being managed? 


5.       BehdadHaratbar explained that areas identified as hotspots are cleansed every three months or six months depending on severity of issues.  Hotspot data is reviewed regularly based on a range on information from quantitative data to anecdotal reports.  Calcification was among several maintenance issues that were dealt with on a case by case basis.


6.    Mrs Dean highlighted a perceived discrepancy between the surface water scheme plans for her division and where the local residents have reported incidents of flooding and evidence of surface water.  It was asked how the surface water scheme is updated and whether a priority list for planned works existed.


7.    BehdadHaratbar stated that such local issues are better addressed outside the meeting on a case by case basis and that work was prioritised based on needs assessments.  Long term work was planned but was contingent on funding available which prevented a formal schedule being published.  Local members are welcome to raise issues with Highways for consideration and potential inclusion in works schedules; a schedule of proposed works have for the financial year 2014/15 was disseminated to Members in March for comment and information.  Mr Haratbar explained that use of Combined Members Grant fund to support local highways priorities was welcome and that Members and residents can find information and guidance on flood resilience in the supplementary report he had produced as well on the KCC website.


8.    Mrs Dean requested details as to the use of enforcement powers by Highways to deal with landowners that do not meet their legal obligations to mitigate flood issues arising from their property.


9.    BehdadHaratbar explained that the enforcement process managed delicately, normally seeking solutions through engagement with landowners, educating them about their legal obligations and only using enforcement powers where such discussions break down.


10. Members praised the clarity provided by Mr Haratbar on a range of issues; the supplementary report in particular, was identified as an excellent document that was clear, concise and accessible.


11. Mr Scholes recommended that the paper provided by Behdad Haratbar be noted; motion seconded by Mr Hotson.


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Committee note the Highways Drainage report and thank Mr Brazier and his officers for attending.





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