Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets, Key Activity and Risk Monitoring

Mr P B Carter, Leader of the Council; Mr N J D Chard, Cabinet Member for Finance; Mr P Gilroy, Chief Executive; and Ms L McMullan, Director of Finance, will attend the meeting from 11.15 am to 12.15 pm to answer Members’ questions on this item.


The Chairman welcomed Mr A King, Deputy Leader of the Council, Mr N J D Chard, Cabinet Member for Finance, Mr P Gilroy, Chief Executive, Ms L McMullan, Director of Finance and Mr Ben Smith, Group Finance Manager, to the meeting.


Mr Chard introduced the report, commenting that the Council had been able to vire £5.111million from the 2007/08 underspend for the current economic situation and he reiterated his thanks to all Officers for that achievement. He referred to table 1a on page 47 of the agenda, stating that the net projected variance against the combined portfolio revenue budgets was a pressure of £0.543m after management action (excluding asylum). Mr Chard referred to the various key activity graphs included in the annexes to the report, which showed better correlation than previously. Finally, he referred to the proposed realignment of budgets within the Kent Adult Social Services portfolio, as detailed in sections 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 of annex 2.


Referring to paragraph (c) on page 81 of the agenda, Mr Smyth remarked that, whilst he supported the work being done to reduce reliance on residential care, some domiciliary care packages for clients with dementia were as expensive as residential care. Mr Gilroy stated that a number of clients, particularly those with dementia, would have no option but to go into residential care.


Referring to paragraph on page 52 of the agenda, Mr Northey stated that it appeared odd that the existing cost of sending waste to landfill was currently a cheaper means of disposal than the waste to energy plant at Allington. He sought assurances that, on environmental grounds, KCC was doing all it could to ensure that the Allington plant was operating effectively as quickly as possible and asked for further information about the differences in cost of each method of disposal and over what period of time the proposed increases in landfill tax would affect the current situation. Mr Chard stated that the relevant officers would provide a written answer to Committee Members.


Referring to paragraph 2.1 on page 68 (number of children receiving assisted SEN and mainstream transport to school), Mrs Dean asked why the budget had not been adjusted for the higher numbers of children receiving transport to school, some of which were awarded on appeal that perhaps would have been granted in any event had the budget been sufficient. Ms McMullan stated that a written note would be provided for Committee Members, which would comment upon a budget savings proposal that didn’t come to fruition.


Referring to paragraph (b) on page 83 of the agenda, Dr Eddy asked whether the authority was, in effect, contributing to the inability of the NHS to deliver assessment and related services in the North West of the County as a result of the “vacancy management necessary to offset the pressure within residential care.” He suggested that management action was undermining a policy decision in this vital area. Ms McMullan undertook to ensure that the Managing Director of KASS provide a written note for Committee Members.


RESOLVED: That the resolution contained in the previous minute on the Autumn Budget Statement is deemed to cover this item.