Agenda item

Verbal updates

To receive a verbal update from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing and the Interim Director of Public Health.


Adult Social Care


1.     Mr G K Gibbens gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Key Decisions:

Wellbeing Charge in Extra Care Housing Schemes

Personal Health Budgets – Section 75 agreement

Swale Learning Disability Day Service

Local Account

Adult Social Care Transformation – Phase 2 Design Partner Appointment



7 October - Consortium for Assistive Solutions Adoption (CASA)/Innovage Final Conference in Brussels

14 October - visited Compaid in Paddock Wood

22 October - spoke at the Kent Seniors Forum at Sessions House

These events had all been very positive, addressing high-profile issues which would help Kent to identify and prepare for the future support needs of an ageing population.

12 November - attended Porch Light 40th Anniversary Conference in Canterbury

12 November - attended Government Office for Science Future of Ageing Meeting at the University of Kent


2.    Mr A Ireland then gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Transformation update – work was currently progressing from phase 1 to phase 2.  The issues involved were complex and much work had gone into achieving optimum value.  The committee would be given regular updates. 

Five Year Forward – emerging strategic direction of NHS and impact on social care – this influential document included some reference to the links between social care and health.

Feedback from staff briefings – briefings for staff around the county had been very positive and had provided an opportunity to debate emerging issues. Feedback from briefings would be collated and circulated to Members.


Adult Public Health


3.     Mr G K Gibbens gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Key Decisions:

Health Checks Service - contract extensions

Contract awards for Community Sexual Health Service



1 October - attended Kent Malnutrition Conference at Ashford International Hotel

10 October - attended Public Health Mental Wellbeing Celebration Day at Sessions House – the aim of World Mental Health day on 10 October was to highlight mental health issues across all age groups and sections of society, as research had shown that one in four people would experience some sort of mental ill health during their lifetime. Early diagnosis was key, and, for young people, GP support and good transition from children’s to adults’ services was key. He thanked the public health team and Penny Southern and her team for organising this event.

15 October - hosted Professor Chris Bentley’s Health Inequalities Briefing for Members at Sessions House - this had highlighted the seven stages of life and the importance of a child’s early years.  Health inequalities was a huge issue to be tackled and he offered a briefing on health inequalities to any Members who wished to have one.

19 November - spoke at the Wellbeing Symposium at Detling Showground

26 November - attended Environment, Health & Sustainability Conference at Ashford International Hotel


4.     Mr A Scott-Clark then gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Campaigns update – campaigns were currently running for flu jabs, particularly for pregnant women and children aged 2 to 4, novovirus and late HIV diagnosis.

Ebola update Although Ebola remained an ongoing issue in West Africa, the Kent Public Health team continued to work locally with the NHS and Public Health England system to gain assurance that Kent was prepared.

Canterbury Christchurch University AGM – Mr Scott-Clark had attended the recent Canterbury Christchurch University AGM. The public health team had supported the university in gaining accreditation for their Masters’ degrees in Public Health and various team members were supporting teaching.

Health Checks target – in response to a question on the minutes of the last meeting, Mr Scott-Clark clarified that the key provider, Kent Community Health Trust (KCHT), was currently working towards a target of achieving 50% uptake of invitations to attend a health check, while NHS England aspired to a target of 75% uptake.  The County Council was working with KCHT to increase and agree a new, higher target that it would work towards.


5.     The verbal updates were noted, with thanks.







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