Agenda item

Adult Social Care Transformation - Phase 1 update and appointment of partner for Phase 2 design


1.            The Chairman sought and received the Committee’s agreement to consider this item as urgent business as it had not been published in time to comply with the required notice of five clear working days before the meeting.


2.            Mr Lobban introduced the report and presented a series of slides which set out the progress made on phase 1 of the transformation programme, the process to be followed for the appointment of a partner for phase 2 and initial plans for phase 3. He emphasised that the relationship with Newton Europe had been constructive as its work was complimentary to the County Council’s work. It was important, therefore, to maintain the pace of change. Mr Lobban and Mr Ireland responded to comments from Members, as follows:-


a)    the approach taken was supported and the savings made so far were commended;


b)    it was emphasised that the importance of achieving a correct assessment was vital;


c)    Members asked to have the opportunity to meet representatives of Newton Europe;


d)    one speaker said that, when Newton Europe had first been appointed, he had had concerns that the predicted savings were realistic, but was pleased now to see that these savings had been achieved; and


e)    the enablement service currently being run as a result was excellent.


3.            Mr Ireland added that the presence of Newton Europe had had a very positive impact on County Council staff and the savings achieved had been the result of close joint working.


4.            The Chairman placed on record his congratulations and thanks to County Council staff on the positive way in which they had embraced the process of working with Newton Europe as an efficiency partner. The Cabinet Member, Mr Gibbens, added his thanks to Mr Lobban and his team on the work put into preparing the presentation and update report.  He hoped that the Committee had found the presentation helpful and offered Members the opportunity to view a more detailed presentation and meet representatives of Newton Europe.


5.            RESOLVED that:- 


a)   the update on phase 1 of Adult Social Care Transformation and the outcome of the assessment stage of phase 2 be noted;


b)the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to appoint Newton Europe to support the County Council in designing phase 2 of adult social care transformation, be endorsed;


c)  authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to enter into the necessary contracts, following final confirmation of funding details and the satisfactory negotiation of detailed terms and conditions, to a maximum value of £2.5million;


d)    the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health & Wellbeing, or other delegated officer, undertake the necessary actions to implement this decision; and


e)    the Committee’s congratulations and thanks be passed to County Council staff on the positive way in which they had embraced the process of working with Newton Europe as an efficiency partner, and to Mr Lobban and his team on the work put into preparing the presentation and update report.