Agenda item

Tunbridge Wells Cultural Hub

To receive a report by the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member Community Services on the decision to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding subject to securing Heritage Lottery Funding.



1.            The Cabinet Member, Mr Hill introduced a report on the partnership between KCC and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to deliver a Cultural and Learning Hub in the heart of Tunbridge Wells.  This would bring together the Libraries, Registration and Archives Museum, Gateway, Information Point, and adult education facility and Theatre Box Office in a single facility, to add significant benefit to increasing the footfall.  The project was dependent on the success of the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) bid.  This was Round 1 of the bidding process and the result of the bid was due on 21 July 2015.


2.            The Project and Operations Manager, Mr White, explained   that this was an £11.2 million project.  The plot consisted of two listed buildings that were to be refurbished, along with 540sq m of new build.  He advise that the breakdown of the funding was £2m capped from KCC; £4m of the funding would be from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council; £3.9m from the Heritage Lottery Fund; £750,000 from Arts Council England; and £550,000 from other fundraising schemes. Mr White advised that only 20% of HLF bids were successful due to the volume of bids in Round 1 but discussion held with the HLF Board were positive.  Should the first round bid fail   it was expected that there would be the opportunity to resubmit the bid in six months.  If successful there would be a draft collaboration agreement document drawn up and the tendering process would be in place for an architect to draw up the plans with an 18 month time frame for drawing up HLF Stage 2.  Post HLF Stage 2 bid being successful there would be a 24 month build period.


3.            Mr Hill and Mr White noted comments and responded to questions by Members as follows:-


·         Mr White advised that an Economic Impact Assessment had been carried out by an independent company that has shown the benefits to the Borough and KCC and Kent as a whole.  With regards bringing services together, Mr White said that it was about creating sustainable services and cross pollinating the services. He gave the example of, where the post office was being brought into the Swanley Library which would increase the footfall to the library.

·         Mr White advised that the partnership with Tunbridge Wells Bough Council was sound.  The legal agreements would be detailed regarding the leases, collaboration agreement and development agreement and would set out how the project would go forward and ensure KCC was completely protected.

·         Mr Hill advised that bringing together services created a centre of excellence and improved not only those facilities but surrounding areas. He gave the example of The Beaney, Canterbury which has brought many more people into the area and the Turner Contemporary which had further assisting in the regeneration Margate.

·         A Member commented that this was a good example of cooperation and working together of local authorities.  There was no doubt of Tunbridge Wells commitment to this project.


4.         RESOLVED that:-


a)     the responses to questions by Members be noted;


b)     the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee endorsed the recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to enter into legal agreements including, but not limited to, a Memorandum of Understanding with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. The Memorandum of Understanding sets out the intention with which KCC will progress the project;


b)   to support the delivery of the Cultural Hub by agreeing to temporarily relocate the library and adult education service during the period of the works,  and incorporating them within the new Cultural Hub facility when the works are complete; and


c)  that KCC shall act as the accountable body for the project subject to KCC’s VAT partial liability exemption position not being breached.

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