Agenda item

Questions from the public to the presenter



Q. fireworks are being let off very early.  Is it possible to reduce the time when they can be let off?

A. Police are working on this but won't solve it on their own. It is about education and changing people’s perceptions.


Q. No one answered at the PSU the other day.

A. People in PSU all react to incidences and are sometimes out. Dartford Borough Council (DBC) is looking to recruit a public reassurance officer and will make sure people get called back and a response.


Q. There have been bogus callers at Temple Hill

A. Contact details for each area’s PCSO’s are on the Kent Police website.


Q. Regarding the first PACT meeting, what publicity was there for the meeting?

A. All the PACT’s are being set in place by the beat officer, so publicity might vary. They are an excellent initiative but need to be owned by the community.


Heath PACT and Friends of the Heath attended by a good mix of people. People don’t want to attend another talking shop. When actions happen as a result, people will see them making a difference and want to attend.


Sutton at Hone PACT is working very well as well, all singing from the same song sheet and making life easier with the working together.


Q. There is a problem in this area, at weekend’s there are regular groups of people walking between Dartford and Crayford that are rowdy and ‘tanked-up’ from night spots in the Town.

A. Police provide dedicated resources on a Friday and Sat night including knife arches, drug testing. Grab a cab scheme moving 600 people per night and very successful. CCTV available on some routes and can be deployed on some lights for hotspots. Kent Police have excellent liaison with the London Met Police.


Q. If the bulk of Police are to be based in new headquarters at Ebbsfleet, what happens if the roads are gridlocked?  Might this prevent Police getting around Dartford?

A. No, it shouldn’t do. Police will be using satellite stations e.g. at Bluewater.


Q. Will Police be familiar with geography of area?

A. Yes, they also have GPS.


Q. What are the helicopters used for?

A. They are used at night and owned by Essex Police.  They are used for missing children, nuisance motorbikes, stolen cars etc.  Essex people have the facility also to log onto the Essex Police website and find out what the helicopter is doing in any one area.  Kent may look into obtaining the same facility.

Q. Concern over PACT’s. There are lots of groups e.g. residents associations, parishes etc. Some people coming together all the time and nothing is changing.

A. PACT does slightly different thing from the role of elected members.


Q Why is it that all issues in Bluewater are put into the parish of Stone? This pushes up crime figures for Parishes, adversely affecting insurance.

A. They are trying to take Bluewater out of Parish and have it as a separate reporting area.


Q. There is a problem with public sex on the heath.

A. To help this, the road alongside the heath is going to be a clearway (no stopping) but Highways have had problems in implementing this.


Q. Can the issue of fireworks go into the Borough News?

A. Yes and the housing department.  The Link goes to all tenants and lease holders. The Forum News goes to all Dartford residents.