Agenda item

Dover Local Development Framework

Ken Todd, Senior Transport Planner, KCC will be present to assist in any considerations of transport matters in relation to the Dover Local Development Framework.



Ken Todd, Senior Transport Planner, Kent Highways Services was in attendance for this item.


·              Ken expanded on the County’s role in the LDF process to collect and disseminate data in support of balanced decision making.

·              KCC was involved in the consultation process on the DDC core strategy, site allocations and developer contributions together with contributing to the major transport strategy. County supported option 3 in the Dover LDF process but not option 4. 

·              No major route improvements are planned. KCC is waiting for the outcome of the LDF consultation and will work with DDC to achieve the agreed development plans. 

·              Highway Services’ workload includes £800k identified this year for transport schemes in Dover which represented a significant percentage of the allocation (9%).

·              Ken could not comment on the A258 as a multi-agency Working Group had been set up to consider safety issues on the road. However, all four Coroner’s reports and crime investigation reports have indicated the road was not the problem.

·              Other major schemes included Aylesham and Snowdown, and the White Cliffs Business Park.


Q. What is the solution for lorries being taken down small roads by Sat Navs?

A. Can’t legislate for silly decisions. Sat Navs are being looked at nationally. KCC can continue to lobby organisations who control the technology and need Government support on this.


Q. How long will it take to get traffic calming into Ripple?

A. It may never happen. KHS has prioritisation system for these schemes.


Q. Can Parishes raise funds to assist KHS to pay for calming schemes?

A. There are knock on affects of traffic calming e.g. public transport, more vibrations. There are difficult things that need to be balanced as well.

Q. There is also a long wait to get anything done by KHS.


Q. In Ringwould, some main roads have restricted speed because the surface is very bad but a ¼ mile of road (marine parade) has been re-surfaced that isn’t even a main road? Why can this be?

A. There is a system in place to decide what gets done and what doesn’t and there will be good reasons for the decisions and prioritisation.


Q. 2 deaths on A258 per year. Certain things do amaze me such as the line markings seem poor in places and get erased by traffic.  Why doesn’t KHS ensure lines are painted on the road?

A. KHS has a maintenance hierarchy and has to balance reactivity with proactive work.


Q. There should be more consultation though between KHS and Parishes. Things happen without any discussion or anyone knowing why or who.

A. Communication is being addressed.


Q. What about School transport. Because many people can’t get passes they have to drive and increase traffic on road. IS more being done to improve access to buses for pensioners?

A. KCC has no control of bus networks. Bus companies run bus services that need to be profitable. KCC is part of quality bus partnerships that helps



All Parishes - it was suggested that it would be a good idea to work with local PCSO’s to tackle speeding/parking issues at the Parish level.


The Chair to write to David Gaskin at Kent Highways regarding points brought up at meeting, specifically those raised by Ripple PC (traffic-calming).