Agenda item

Performance Monitoring - Quarter 4 - 2014-15

To consider and note the 2014/2015 Quarter 4 performance position.


(Mr R Fitzgerald, Performance Manager, Business Intelligence, was present for this item).


(1)  Cabinet received a report detailing the key areas of performance for the authority at Quarter 4 of 2014/15.


(2)  Mr Fitzgerald stated that these were a good positive set of performance indicators which had been achieved despite the challenging budget situation.  He highlighted the following


  • In Customer Services – the number of calls answered by Contact Point was above target and there had been a decline in the number of calls handled as digital contact improved.
  • There was good news in relation to the key economic indicators which were back to pre-recession levels
  • The Regeneration Growth Fund, including Expansion East Kent and TIGER had created or safeguarded over 5600 jobs.
  • In relation to highways there had been an improvement in routine repairs performance over the quarter. 
  • In waste management there had been a further improvement in the reduction of waste to landfill.
  • In education there had been an increase in the percentage of schools achieving good or outstanding Ofsted results.
  • There had been a dip in the percentage of SEN statements during this quarter but this was the end of the current process. In future the new Education and Social Care Plans would be reported instead which were on target.
  • There had been a slight increase in the number of 16 – 18 year olds who were not in education or training (NEETS), however, this position was an improvement on the same period last year.
  • The provisional start date for apprenticeships in the current academic year had shown an improvement.
  • In the Early Years and Preventative Service there had been a further increase in the number of families with an Integrated Team Around the Family Approach, 81% of cases had been closed with outcomes achieved.   This had had a positive impact on children’s social care with a decrease in the number of Children in Need cases.
  • There had been further improvements in the number of social workers in permanent posts.  There had also been a continued improvement in the quality of case files audited.
  • In relation to Corporate Parenting, there had been a decrease in the number of Children in Care, although there had been an increase in the number of asylum seeking children needing support.
  • In Adult Social Care there had been improvements in the number of clients supported with Telecare and a steady improvement in the number of clients receiving enablement to remain independent. As a consequence permanent residential care admissions for older people had shown a reduction.
  • In Public Health the NHS health check programme was ahead of target.  


(3)  In response to a question from the Leader, Mr Leeson explained that a target approach had been adopted in relation to Early Years provision. There had been input into those setting which were not good and also there was monitoring of all setting including those that were good in order to identify any decline and provide support at an early stage.  He confirmed that private providers in Kent, which accounted for 95% of the Early Years provision, welcomed KCC’s involvement. 


(4)  Mr Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, emphasised that in relation to primary school performance there had been a rapid acceleration and strong progress, with an increase in the number of schools going from category to good.


(5)  It was RESOLVED that




1 June 2015


That the positive quarterly performance information be noted.





 In order that Cabinet conduct its monitoring activities effectively










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