Agenda item

Presentation: "The County's Visitor Economy" by Visit Kent

Presenters: Sandra Matthews-Marsh, Chief Executive, accompanied by Amanda Cottrell, Chairman.


1.            The Cabinet Committee received a presentation from Mrs Matthews-Marsh and Mrs Cottrell on the work, ambitions and funding streams for Visit Kent using overheads followed by a short promotional film.


2.            The Cabinet Committee thanked Mrs Matthews-Marsh and Mrs Cottrell for the presentation and congratulated them on the work achieved.  Members were pleased to note that Kent had been awarded “Europe’s best family holiday destinations” by Lonely Planet.


3.            The Cabinet Committee noted that Mr Jonathan Neame, Chief Executive, Shepard Neame, would be replacing Mrs Cottrell as Chairman of Visit Kent, later in the year.  Mrs Cottrell would be Honorary Patron.


4.            Mrs Matthews-Marsh and Mrs Cottrell responded to questions by Members as follows:-


a)    Mrs Matthews-Marsh explained that Kent’s proximity to London was a great marketing tool.  Visit Kent carried out marketing in Europe, mainly France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, Kent being the third largest inbound market for those countries.  European funding helped Visit Kent with reaching those European markets.  She explained that Visit Kent was waiting to bid for new Intereg funding when it came online.  Mrs Cottrell explained Visit Kent’s partnership with Southeastern regarding marketing work to attract people to Kent by advertising in Southeastern’s stations and as a result help to fill the ‘off peak’ trains.

b)    A Member commented that tourism was a hugely unrealised part of what Kent could offer.

c)    Mrs Matthews-Marsh reflected that the responses to every survey that Visit Kent carried out were about enjoying; clean streets, attractive, thriving town centres, vibrant high streets, distinctive shops and events.  She hoped that once there was a clear picture drawn up through the Destination Management Plans (DMPs) a more joint approach can be made.  Mrs Matthews-Marsh added that visitors made many public community assets more viable and it was important for visitors’ views to be articulated to councillors etc who made decisions on town centres etc.

d)    Mrs Matthews-Marsh concurred that parts of Kent had unrealised areas for tourism and Swale was one of them.  The Isle of Sheppey was already established as a bird watching and natural habitat site that would attract tourist.

e)    Mrs Matthews-Marsh advised that although Mr Neame was going to be Chairman of Visit Kent, Shepard Neame had to pay for its advertising with Visit Kent and were not treated more favourably than the microbreweries and 15 vineyards in Kent, they were all members of Visit Kent and formed part of the fabric for new Kent, the Garden of England.

f)     Mrs Matthews-Marsh explained that Bluewater Shopping Centre was losing business to other shopping centres and was working with Visit Kent as a critical footfall ie Bluewater acts as the magnet then people were dispersed into Kent from there.

g)    Mr Brazier agreed to advise the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment that Visit Kent would be happy to join the Clean Up Campaign against littering.  Mrs Cooper agreed to submit a report on the issue of litter collection to a future meeting.

h)   Mrs Matthews-Marsh advised that Bluewater shopping centre was a leader in retail and had expanded its offer to include; leisure, it now had a huge event space.  Bluewater was already had the highest volume footfall  in Kent but was working to increase its footfall

i)     Mrs Matthews-Marsh advised that three members of the Visit Kent Team had been trained in World Host Training to become teachers, with the ambition of offering world host at a lower cost.  

j)      Members noted that evidence showed that accreditation schemes for businesses were declining due to the public using social media sites for information about the quality of a service. 

k)    Visit Kent would welcome the opportunity to carry out a DMP on Dartford.

l)     In response to a question regarding the possible effect on the hospitality sector of restrictions to migrant workers, it was advised that Visit Kent shared concerns regarding policies/legislation that might limit/reduce the ability to hire the right labour to service the hotels. Mrs Matthews-Marsh, Mr Dance and Mrs Cottrell were looking to introduce a Hospitality Guild to encourage more local young people to consider a career in hospitality.. 

m)  Mrs Dean advised on the development of a scheme to be introduced in the West Malling area, similar to the Blue plaque scheme, [The Blue plaque scheme did not operate on a national scheme outside London].  The plaque would use cheaper materials and include a QR system [A QR code (quick response code)]. Visit Kent had offered a site on its webpage where this information would be held.  If this was successful it was hoped that the scheme could be adopted elsewhere in Kent.  Mrs Matthews-Marsh said that Visit Kent was working towards introducing iBeacon technology.  This would be used to bring to life the stories behind Kent’s buildings. 

n)   A Member commented that we needed to promote Kent restaurants which were Michelin star rated and Kent produce, including; cheeses, wine; and snails, which were exported to restaurants in France.


5.            RESOLVED that:-


(a)  the comments and responses to questions by Members be noted;


(b)  a report on the issue of litter collection be submitted to a future meeting; and


(c)  the information given in the presentation be noted with thanks.