Agenda item

Verbal updates by Cabinet Members and Corporate Director

To receive verbal updates by the relevant Cabinet Members.



1.            The Cabinet Members, Mr Dance and Mr Hill were invited to give their verbal updates.


2.             Mr Hill advised on four items as follows:


Ÿ     The Turner Contemporary Gallery Trust 

Mr Clive Stephens had been newly appointed Chairman of the Trust.


Ÿ     Kent School Games Finals

This had been the biggest year for the Kent School Games with 7000 young people taking part.  Tracey Crouch, Minister for Sport and the Olympics attended the event with her new baby.


Ÿ     Kent County Show

The Kent County Council Stand won 1st prize “The Geering Trophy - Best Large Trade stand”.  This was a tribute to all the hard work undertaken by Officers.


Ÿ     Kent History Centre Medieval Kent

On the 11 July the final launch of the Kent History Centre Medieval Kent took place.  This started in 1989 and had been a long running history project with the 10th volume finally being produced.


3.            Mr Dance advised on the following:


Ÿ     Broadband

A Broadband Member Briefing was held when Members were advised that 95.7% Broadband coverage would be achieved by the end of 2018.  Another Member briefing would be arranged early next year.


Ÿ     Kentish Flats Extension

Mr Dance attended the Kentish Flats Extension, on the off shore windfarm to Vattenfall.He advised that off shore windfarms were being placed in shallow water reducing the cost of erecting the wind energy platforms,   He advised that they were also looking at an Extension off Margate.  The Kent coast was home to 25% of the country’s off shore wind power.


Ÿ     KEiBA Awards

This was an award scheme staged and produced by Kent County Council and the KM Media Group to reward excellence in businesses in Kent and Medway.  An evening event attended by over 600 people was held in June at the Kent County Showground when a variety of Kent companies received their awards.


Ÿ     Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Mr Dance advised that he had visited Nord-Pas-de-Calais following the UK vote to leave the EU.   Discussions had been held with Nord-Pas-de-Calais at the opening of the replica of the Globe Theatre.  Mr Dance had also visited the region of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais et Picardie where he had discussed Interreg funding with officials.  They managed three Interreg funds and were keen for Kent to put in new bids.    Members would have the opportunity to discuss this further at item C3 later on this agenda.


Ÿ     Manston

Mr Dance advised that outside the boundary of Manston Airport, KCC owned land with Thanet Borough Council called East Kent Opportunities (EKO). Commercial property would be built on this land and 400 jobs would be created in a roll out of 60 start-up industrial units with an aim to establish 90 units in total.


4.            Comments and questions by Members were answered by Mr Dance as follows:


Ÿ  Kent had a target for 95% Broadband coverage but due to officers good work they were able to stretch that to 95.7%.  The roll out of 4G was still unknown and the online Ofcom map did not relate to signal strength.    Mr Dance assured Members that Kent was doing better than many other areas of the country.

Ÿ  Mr Dance said that the government phased the finances for wind power projects.  As the costs came down the subsidies to the offshore wind industry were reduced.  Bringing the power ashore in Kent was costly.

Ÿ  Mr Dance said that the interaction with the Nord-Pas-de-Calais would continue.  The plan was for French schools to continue to meet with Kent primary school children.

Ÿ  A comment was made that KCC should push forward for what it wanted despite the uncertainty since the UK voted to leave the EU.

Ÿ  It was suggested that without Broadband rural areas would be isolated.


5.            RESOLVED that the comments and responses to questions by Members and the information in the verbal updates be noted.