To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services and the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, updating the Committee on the performance of the Children in Care Mental Health Service provided by Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust.
1. Head of Strategic Commissioning, Thom Wilson, introduced an update on the Children in Care Mental Health Service. He gave an overview of key points from the report as follows;
a) KCC fund a Children in Care CAMHS service with the aim to improve mental health outcomes. This service includes work with foster carers and a dedicated telephone contact line to support them.
b) He explained that Sussex Partnership has worked very closely with KCC in this, as has been discussed in recent Select Committees.
c) He confirmed that the service had been graded ‘outstanding’ for caring and ‘good’ for leadership. Both staffing and waiting times were graded as ‘need improvement’.
d) There was no District level data gathered at the time of the meeting.
e) Confirmation was given that KCC were supporting 440 children at the time of the meeting.
f) The target waiting time for assessment has been 6 weeks. This slipped to 7 weeks in October. This is as 2 children took slightly longer to be assessed. The reasons for this will be explored.
g) A pilot scheme is in place to provide a ‘wrap around’ service to those who have been in multiple placements.
2. In response to questions raised and comments made Mr Wilson gave the following information;
a) In regards to the sudden increase in caseloads in the Canterbury and Coastal area in June it was confirmed Mr Wilson will come back with a specific answer.
b) He confirmed that the referral times in each area are followed as Performance Indicators. This can be used to measure whether an area requires more staff and through this it is ensured each area is staffed appropriately. He also confirmed at this time there were two vacancies.
c) He informed the Committee that other formats for the feedback survey would be explored to be more accessible to children.
d) A key focus in the new strategy will be in assisting care leavers in their transition from being in care.
e) He confirmed that as a significant proportion of USAC are aged 16 to 17 most of them will not access the Children in Care Mental Health Service and be in the transition to moving to Adult Mental Health Service.
f) That a Collaborative Commissioning Performance Board would be held on the Monday following this Committee meeting and Governance is on the agenda.
3. Andrew Ireland, Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, explained that following his visit to the three reception centres for USAC in Kent he was concerned that the children were not bringing any Mental Health Problems to the front as young people and that this may emerge later in life. He advised that Adult Services needed to be ready to respond to this in the near future.
4. RESOLVED that the Committee note the update and the report. It was also agreed Members would continue to encourage and express interest in the new Children in Care contract pursuing a better service for the public on behalf of the Childrens’ Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee.
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