Agenda item

Proposal SW/15/500303 (KCC/SW/0449/2014) - Repair and maintenance of Environmental Control Systems including the installation of additional equipment and importation of soils to infill low spots and areas of exposed waste at Land at Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne; KCC Waste Management


(1)          Mr M Baldock advised the Committee that he was a Member of Swale Borough Council which had commented on the application.  He had not, however, taken part in its discussions of the application. He was also acquainted with a number of the people who had objected to the application.  None of them were close personal associates, and he was therefore able to consider the application with a fresh mind.


(2)       The Head of Planning Applications Group agreed to consult the Local Members on the details of the Traffic Management System and asked the Committee to agree to the enhancement of that condition requiring the applicants to undertake a route audit using auto track in order to demonstrate that the proposed route was appropriate.  This was agreed.


(3)       The Committee agreed to add an Informative asking the applicants to commence the main infilling part of the operation in the Summer of 2016 subject to there being no conflict with their environmental objectives.


(4)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried (as amended in (1) and (2) above) by 16 votes to 2.


(5)       Mr M Baldock requested pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.26 (3) that his vote against granting permission be recorded.


(6)       RESOLVED that:-

          (a)        permission be granted to the application subject to conditions, including conditions covering the duration of operations being limited to twoyearsfromtheircommencement; maximumvolumesof infill material being restricted to3,000 tonnesof inertmaterial; hoursof working being limited toavoidpeak hourmovementsand school runs; vehiclemovements being restrictedtoa maximumof 20movementstoand fromthesite perday; prior  approval (in consultation with the Local Members)  of  a  Traffic  Management  System  designed  to  avoid  vehicles associatedwith thedevelopmentmeetingalongtheproposedhaul route and the undertaking of a route audit using auto track demonstrating that the proposed route is appropriate; priorapproval ofa ConstructionManagementPlan;   accessimprovementsbeing completedbefore theimportationof infill materials; priorapproval ofdetailsof vehicleparkingand loading/offloadingareas; priorapproval ofdetailsof wheel cleaningfacilities; priorapproval ofdetailsof anEnvironmental ManagementPlan; and ecologicalimpactavoidance/mitigation methods being undertakeninaccordancewith thosesubmittedinsupportof theapplication; and


(b)       the applicants be advised by Informative that they should seek to commence the main infilling part of the operation in the Summer of 2016 subject to there being no conflict with their environmental objectives.     




Supporting documents: