Agenda item

Proposal M/TH/15/0294 (KCC/TH/0122/2015) 2 f.e. primary school, improvements to existing access to Westwood Road, car parking and pick up/drop off bays, external play areas including a Multi Use Games Area, informal play area and hard and soft landscaping at Land at St George's CE School, Westwood Road, Broadstairs; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support.


(1)       Mrs Z Wiltshire was present for this item pursuant to Committee procedure Rule 2.27 and spoke in support of the Proposal.


(2)       The Head of Planning Applications Group asked the Committee to include an additional condition specifying that the access layout, controlled crossing and highway alterations be carried out prior to occupation of the school.  This was agreed.


(3)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried by 15 votes to 1.


(4)       RESOLVEDthat:-


(a)       theproposal be referred totheSecretaryofState for Communitiesand Local Governmentand that subject to hisdecision,permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering thestandard5 year timelimit for implementation;  thedevelopment being carriedoutinaccordancewith thepermitteddetails; the submissionand approval ofdetailsofall construction materials to beused externally; the submissionofa School Travel Planwithin6 monthsofoccupationof the new school anditsongoing review; hoursofworkingduringconstructionbeingrestrictedtobetween thehoursof0800 and 1800 on MondaystoFridaysand between thehoursof0900 and1300 onSaturdays, withno operationson Sundaysor BankHolidays; the submissionofa ConstructionManagement Plan forbothphases, providing detailsofhow thesiteaccesswouldbe managed, detailsof the methodsandhours of working,locationofsitecompoundsand operative/visitorparking, detailsofsite securityand safetymeasures, lorrywaitingand wheel washingfacilitiesanddetailsof anyconstructionaccess; measuresbeingtakentopreventmudand debrisbeingdepositedon thepublic highway; the provisionof theon-siteparkingareasprior to occupationof the schooland their retention thereafter;  theprovisionof cycleparkingprior to the occupationoftheschool; the submissionofa nativespecieslandscapeschemeand detailsofa maintenance schemeforsuch landscaping, andtheinclusionwithin thisschemeofecological enhancementsand management of the retainedearthbankand habitatareas; the submissionofa methodstatement detailinghowtheconstructioncan becarried outwithoutaffecting the treesand their root protectionareas; the submissionofa detailedlightingdesignstrategytobe approvedinwritingprior to occupationof the school; noadditional lighting being erectedat the sitewithout the writtenconsentof the County PlanningAuthority; the submissionofa schemeand itsapproval in writingcoveringa preliminaryrisk assessment; a siteinvestigationscheme;theresultsofthesiteinvestigationand details riskassessmentand anappraisaland remediationstrategy;and averification planprovidingdetailsof datathat will becollected;  thedevelopment not being occupied until averification report demonstrating the completionof the worksset outintheremediationstrategyhas beenapproved; the development being stoppedif previously unidentified contamination is foundonsiteuntil aremediationstrategy is agreedand implemented; no pilingorotherfoundationdesignusingpenetrative methodstaking place without the expresswrittenconsent of the County PlanningAuthority; no infiltrationofsurfacewaterdrainageintothegroundtaking place other thanwith the expresswrittenpermissionoftheCounty PlanningAuthority; the submissionofa fullydetailedsustainablesurfacewaterdrainageschemefor the site, together with thewrittenapproval ofsuch aschemeanditsongoing maintenance; the implementationofarchaeologicalfieldevaluationworkinaccordancewitha specificationand writtentimetabletobe approvedby theCounty PlanningAuthority, and thepreservationinsituofimportantarchaeological remains; the submissionofa biodiversitymethodstatementprovidingdetailsof measuresthat will be implement to minimisethepotentialfor ecological impacts; the submissionofa ConstructionEnvironmentalManagementPlantoensurethe retainedareasof earthbankareprotectedduringconstruction; acommunityuse agreement for the shared use of school sports facilities being submittedfor approval in writingwithin3 monthsoftheoccupationof the school;


(b)                    the applicants be advised by Informative that: -


(i)           they should register the School Travel Plan withKent Countythrough the Jambusterswebsitefollowing thelink;


(ii)       they should ensure that all necessary highway approvals and consents are obtained; and


(iii)      they should ensurethatworkstotreesarecarriedoutoutsideofthebreedingbirdseasonand, ifthis isnot possible,that anecologist examines thesiteprior to workscommencing.


Supporting documents: