Agenda item

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust: Update


Rachel Jones (Director of Strategy and Business Development, EKHUFT) and Hazel Carpenter (Accountable Officer, NHS South Kent Coast CCG and NHS Thanet CCG) were in attendance for this item.

(1)       The Chairman welcomed the guests to the Committee. Members of the Committee then proceeded to ask a series of questions and make a number of comments.

(2)       In response to a specific question about cancer referrals and staffing levels, Ms Jones explained that the volume of referrals was increasing with an aging and growing population and the requirement to accommodate patient choice. The Trust was working with primary care to improve the cancer pathway. The Trust was recruiting additional nursing staff and fast tracking their training to enable them to become chemotherapy nurses. She reported that the Trust would have safe staffing levels within eight to twelve months. She stated that it was the Trust’s responsibility to create a positive and fit for purpose working environment to attract and retain staff. Ms Carpenter reported that the current situation was complex and the commissioners were supporting the Trust with their recovery plan. She highlighted the need for all services to be sustainable and responsive.

(3)       Members enquired about the Trust’s financial position. Ms Jones explained that the majority of NHS Trusts were struggling financially; there was a reported £2 billion gap nationally. She noted that the Trust had not achieved concurrent savings and had invested significant capital in developing services prior to the deterioration of the Trust’s financial position. The Trust was reducing its use of agency staff due to rising costs, quality and safety concerns; there was evidence which showed the use of agency staffing can led to poor quality and outcomes. She reported that there was new national regulation to tackle expensive off-framework agency staffing. Ms Carpenter noted that there would be no additional funding for the health service. She explained that there was an expectation by the public to be seen by a specialist in a specialist centre with specialist kit.

(4)       A number of comments were made about engagement around reconfiguration. Ms Jones explained that the Trust had undertaken a first phase of engagement which focused on the drivers for change; the public were not surprised about the need for change. She reported that the decision making would be difficult but the local health system was working together to develop a range of sustainable options and engage with the public. She noted that there was a drive locally and nationally to ensure that patients was treated in an appropriate setting. Ms Carpenter stated that the CCGs were committed to delivering the majority of care as close to home as possible. She noted that reconfiguration was not the same as making cuts to services.

EKHUFT Clinical Strategy

(Item 5a)

(1)       RESOLVED that:

(a)       there be ongoing engagement with HOSC as the Trust’s clinical strategy is developed including a return visit to the Committee prior to public consultation to enable the Committee to determine if the options for proposal are a substantial variation of service.

(b)       there be ongoing engagement with HOSC as the East Kent Health and Social Care Strategy Board is developed and the Board be invited to submit an update to the Committee at an appropriate time.

(c)        the Committee thank the Trust’s staff for their hard work and dedication to deliver high quality care for the residents of East Kent.

EKHUFT Finance Update

(Item 5b)

(1)       RESOLVED that the report on the Trust’s current financial position be noted and EKHUFT be invited to submit an update to the Committee at an appropriate time.

EKHUFT Chemotherapy Services

(Item 5c)


(1)       RESOLVED that the report on the chemotherapy services in East Kent be noted and EKHUFT be invited to submit an update to the Committee at an appropriate time.


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