Agenda item

Verbal updates

To receive verbal updates from the Cabinet Members for Environment & Transport and Community Services and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport.



1.            The Cabinet Member for Community Services, Mr Hill, advised that he had no verbal update for this meeting.


2.            The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Mr Balfour, advised on the following:-


Country Parks, Environment, Planning & Enforcement

(a)       Property Group recently published statutory notices in respect of five sites; Parkwood, Preston Hill, Bluebell Hill Picnic site, The Larches and Dryhill following a review by the Country Parks team.

(b)       The notices regarding the five sites created a significant public response, therefore the process was stopped.  A full consultation would be would be launch in due course, inviting local communities and stakeholders to come forward with proposals to ensure that the sites remained open to the public and were financially viable.   This Cabinet Committee would receive a future report on the outcome of the consultation.


 Safer Roads

(a)       Transport Intelligence: CRASH data recording had now begun at Kent Police.  This would streamline data collection and improve accessibility and accuracy.

(b)       Kent and Medway Safety Camera Partnership: The procurement of digital upgrade for existing safety camera equipment had sped up the process for police to report speeding offences at camera locations, reducing the maintenance costs.

(c)       Road Safety: An award winning Speak Up campaign delivery was held in February aimed at passengers of young drivers and a Seatbelts campaign was held in March to highlight the issue of 1:3 fatalities last year due to a seatbelt not being worn.

(d)       Safer Mobility: Following a successful bid to the Department for Transport for funding had been received to deliver child cyclist training in schools until 2020.



(a)       ISO14001 success – Following a three day assessment the Council has shown that it continued to meet the international standard for environmental management and delivered improved environmental performance. Kent remained ahead of its target for reducing carbon dioxide emissions which translated into cost savings on energy, fuel and travel.

(b)       Kent Environment Strategy – An implementation plan workshop was held on 25 February with over 70 delegates in attendance from various sectors and organisations providing expert input into the development of activities for delivery of the strategic priorities.  Officers were drawing the conclusions together to develop the first draft of the implementation plan which would be consulted on with key stakeholders over the coming months.  



Minerals and Waste Development Plan

(a)       Following the receipt of several further Main Modifications from the Planning Inspectors, that were necessary to ensure the soundness of Kent’s Mineralsand Waste Local Plan, an eight week public consultation was held which expired on 4 March 2016.   

(b)       A total of 25 representations were received.  These views would be considered by the Inspector in finalising his report.  When he was satisfied with the Plan, his report would pave the way for the County Council to adopt the Plan.  Once adopted the Minerals and Waste LocalPlan became the Development Plan against which minerals and waste management planning applications were determined and the allocation criteria for the separate Minerals and Waste Sites Plans.   The decision to adopt the Plan would be a matter for Full Council.  A report on the Minerals and Waste Development Plan would be submitted to this Cabinet Committee and Cabinet in an advisory capacity.


Highway Operations and Programmed Works

(a)       Kent had not experienced severe or extreme weather events so far this year. This had been recognised in half the number of reported potholes per week compared to this time in previous years. The colder night time weather for January and February had seen precautionary gritting runs increasing with a total number of 40 being undertaken.

(b)       The changes proposed through Service re-design in Highway Operations have been embedded into the organisational structure. Teams had been co-located to improve service outcomes at a number of highway depots. The revised 3 areas of operational delivery were in place.

(c)       Scheduled cleansing of highway drainage was back on profile and a soakaway cleansing programme had been compiled.  Following the service redesign the Drainage team now had a full complement of Staff and were working  through the enquiries in a prioritised manner for the remainder of this financial year and preparing works for next year.

(d)       Mobilisation of the new LED Street Lighting contract was progressing at pace. The first LED lights were due to be installed this week with the full programme commencing in Ashford from Monday 14 March. Whilst officers had some minor concerns around the IT system, these were being addressed and the new contractor was positive that the contract would be successful.

(e)       The Highway Resurfacing programme 2015/2016 was on track.  The Roads and Footway Asset team was working up a programme for 2016/17 that balanced asset management with local needs. Members of the County Council would receive notification in mid-March what works were planned in their respective electoral divisions.

(f)        A substantial shortfall in the level of capital funding required for 2016/17 realised an £11.5 million gap. This resulted in Highways, Transportation and Public Rights of Way teams being allocated 70% of a reduced amount. An audit assessment would be undertaken to determine risk across all asset areas prior to final budget allocations.


3.            Mr Balfour responded to comments and questions by  Members as follows:

(a)       A request was made for a Members Working Group on the Air quality in Kent.

(b)       Mr Balfour agreed to make further enquiries with Southern Water regarding a hole that had opened up on the A249.   He advised that a meeting was planned with the main utilities providers and developers to reach and an understanding of each other’s work schedules.

(c)       Mr Balfour reassured Members that the LED system was robust with the one central management system.

(d)       Concern was raised regarding the reduction in capital funding for the Highways, Transportation and Public Rights of Way. 

(e)       Mr Balfour and Mr Hill agreed with the suggestion that the Performance Dashboard report be moved up the agenda in future as the Cabinet Committee would be looking at the management of the commissioning of services in the near future.

(f)        A request was made that the Cabinet Members’ verbal updates be made available for other Members of the County Council to read.


4.            Resolved that the comments and the responses to questions by Members and the information in the verbal update be noted.