Agenda item

Proposed revision to the Street Lighting Policy


To receive a report from the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport on the proposed decision to make changes to the Street Lighting Policy, including the introduction of optimised all night lighting (Option 3) as new LED streetlights are installed and commissioned on the Central Management System


1.            The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transportation, Mr Balfour, introduced the report that outlined the consultation process, presented the results and proposed changes to the Street Lighting Policy, including the introduction of optimised all night lighting (Option 3) as new LED streetlights were installed and commissioned on the Central Management System.


2.            The Chairman welcomed Miss Tina Brooker, representative of the Right to Light Campaign, Miss Angela Harrison County Councillor for Sheerness who had been given permission to speak at the meeting.  A letter from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, a supporter of the Right to Light Campaign, was tabled.


3.            Miss Brooker, representative of “Right to Light Campaign” spoke in favour of all night lighting but queried the consultation process questioning that certain groups within the community had not been consulted particularly the disabled, vulnerable and those residents with dementia. 


4.            Miss Harrison, County Councillor for Sheerness, said that she endorsed the recommendation for all night lighting.  In response to a question Mr Balfour confirmed that there was the technology to control the street lights from a Central Management System.  This would enable the complete management of the street lighting including dimming and switch on/off.  The initial setting of the lights would be determined by the Contractor. However, if a community wished to alter the pattern of the light levels, it was proposed that in these instances such requests would be made by Parish Councils and or District Councils which would then be taken to the relevant Joint Transportation Board (JTB).  The JTB would consider those requests and make a recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.


5.            The Interim Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste, Mr Wilkin, explained that the report presented changes to the Street Lighting Policy that encompassed the needs of the community, the environment and responded to the challenging budgetary circumstances faced by the County Council.  He commended option 3 in the report to the Cabinet Committee as the sensible way forward.


6.            Mr Balfour, Mr Wilkin and Mr Clark noted comments and responded to questions by Members as follows:


a)     A comment was made that the consultation document, was detailed and well balanced and the views on the elderly within the document were shared.

b)    Mr Wilkin advised that it would have been a mistake to specify a percentage of light as it would not be appropriate for all streets all of the time.  Each street’s lighting would be individually tailored.  It was clear to the providers that illumination needed to be at a level that people could see eg the edge of curb, faces and feel safe which would vary from street to street.  Mrs Dean thanked Mr Wilkin for his reply but queried that this was not part of the consultation and this may be creating complications with residents coming back to the council to alter their lights.

c)    Mr Balfour advised that the JTBs had discussed the issue of street lighting many times.  He considered that it would have been too much for each Parish Council to have conducted a consultation with its residents on street lighting.  He hoped that if residents did have an issue with the setting of their lighting levels the proposed way for them to make their feelings known was the right way forward.  Mrs Cooper advised that the Contractors were experts who had been contracted to roll out the lights in Paris, France.  They hoped to get the light levels right in the first phase beginning in Ashford and used that as a benchmark.

d)    Mr Wilkin advised that it was not known what the right level of light was for any particular street at this time.  The LED lights were extremely bright and would need to be tailored to each particular road or street.  There would not be 100% lighting at all times.

e)    Mr Balfour confirmed that complaints would not come to this Cabinet Committee but would be dealt with at a local level.

f)     A comment was made that this was a good news story, where a big commitment was being entered into that would save money and the environment.  It was considered that the key word in the document was “optimum”.

g)    Mrs Hohler proposed, seconded by Mr Whybrow the proposed recommendation.

h)   Mr Whybrow said that Option 3 was the sensible option.  LED lighting would be a big improvement and would cause less light pollution.

i)     Mr Clarke advised on when blue and white lighting may or may not be appropriate to use.  He assured Members that the lighting in the residential areas would be the first priority.

j)      Mr Crowther recommended that Members visit Boundary Road, Minster, Isle of Sheppey which was illuminated by LED lighting.

k)    Mr Balfour assured the Cabinet Committee that the best LED lighting had been selected from what was available at the present time.

l)     A comment was made that this was an excellent report and requested that there should be a settling down period of three to six months when the new lights were installed as there would be different seasons which would have an effect.

m)  Mrs Waters advised that the residents of Romney Marsh welcomed the news of the new Street lighting Strategy.  She highlighted that within St Mary’s Bay there were currently three estates without street lighting and requested that those areas be considered a priority.

n)   Mr Wilkin reassured the Cabinet Committee that he had made rigorous checks and consulted with experts to ensure that the equalities impact assessment had been adhered to mitigate any adverse impacts that may be identified. 

o)    Mr Wilkin advised the issue of illuminating alleyways had been discussed with the contractors who had knowledge of appropriately lighting those areas.

p)    Mr Clark advised that the street lighting would be controlled through a Central Management System which would be controlled by the Contractor.  If the system lost connection to the internet, once it was reconnected, the system restored back to the setting before the disconnection.


7.            RESOLVED that:-


a)  the comments and responses to questions by Members be noted; and


b)  the Cabinet Committee unanimously endorsed the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to make changes to the Street Lighting Policy,including the introduction of optimised all night lighting (Option 3) as new LED streetlights were installed and commissioned on the Central Management System as attached to the report at appendix E.

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