Agenda item

CQC Inspection Report: East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust


Matthew Kershaw (Chief Executive, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust) and Rachel Jones (Director of Strategy and Business Development, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust) were in attendance for this item.

(1)       The Chairman welcomed the guests to the Committee and introduced Mr Kershaw who had recently been appointed as the Chief Executive of the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. Mr Kershaw began by outlining the background to the inspection. He explained that inspection took place in July 2015 as a re-inspection following the initial inspection in March 2014 which had led to the Trust being placed into special measures. He reported that there had been significant improvements across the Trust since the original inspection; the Trust was now rated as Requires Improvement but would remain in special measures for a further six months. He stated that the Trust’s objective was to get out of special measures as soon as possible; the Trust would be inspected again in 2016 but this would not take place before May 2016. There were a number of areas for improvement including the emergency care pathway and cultural change across the Trust. He noted that an Improvement Plan had been developed to support and ensure the delivery of improvements which was being led by Dr David Hargroves, a stroke consultant, as the clinical lead in conjunction with the Chief Nurse Dr Sally Smith.

(2)       Members of the Committee then proceeded to make a number of comments about recruitment and well maintained equipment. Mr Kershaw explained that the provision of high quality staffing was key for safe and effective patient care. He noted that the inspection report acknowledged staffing levels had improved despite recruitment challenges. He reported that there were a number of gaps in staffing including emergency consultants, middle grade posts and on some wards. He noted that a report was going to the Trust’s Board on 8 February which showed that 90 – 95% of shifts were covered with the use of agency staffing; the Trust was looking to move away from temporary to substantive posts as agency staffing was expensive and the temporary staff were not part of the organisation. Ms Jones explained that following the inspection a centrally managed equipment library had been developed so that all equipment could be recorded and have its condition checked before being released for use. She noted that the Trust had a specific budget for replacing equipment.

(3)       The Chairman invited Mr Inett to speak. Mr Inett stated that Healthwatch Kent had been working with the Trust since the initial CQC inspection in March 2014 including quarterly meetings with the Chief Nurse. He reported that Healthwatch Kent had recently carried out follow-up visits to the Accident & Emergency departments and Outpatient services. The reports had been submitted to the Trust for comments and would be shared with the Committee once published. 

(4)       RESOLVED that the report be noted and the Trust be requested to provide an update to the Committee in six months.

Cllr Lyons, in accordance with his Other Significant Interest as a Governor of East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, withdrew from the meeting following Matthew Kershaw’s presentation and took no part in the discussion or decision. 

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