Agenda item

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (Written Briefing)


(1)       The Committee received a report from Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust which provided an update on the Trust’s CQC Quality Improvement Plan, quality assurance visits in North Kent and out-of-county placements.

(2)       The Scrutiny Research Officer advised the Committee that a new Chief Executive had been appointed and would be starting in June. She suggested that the Agenda recommendation be changed from June to September in order to invite the new Chief Executive and ask her to reflect on her first three months with the Trust.

(3)       Members requested that the Trust be asked to provide information about out-of-county placements and their work with the community and voluntary sector as part of their update in September.

(4)       RESOLVED that that the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust report be noted and Helen Greatorex, Chief Executive designate, be invited to present a general update to the Committee in September including infomation about out-of-county placements and the Trust’s work with the community and voluntary sector.

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