Agenda item

Applications TM/07/4014, TM/07/3920 and TM/03/3946/R27 - (i) new compound area comprising leachate storage tanks, portable cabin, compressor, fencing, gates and associated planting; (ii) variation of Conditions 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 28, 30 and 31 of Permission TM/03/3946; and variation of Condition 27 of Permission TM/03/3946 to allow movement and placement of soils between November 2007 and March 2008 at Offham Landfill Site, Teston Road, Offham, West Malling; Waste Recycling Group Ltd.


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported in respect of Application TM/07/3920 that the proposal to vary Condition 7 of Permission TM/03/3946 had been withdrawn.  This would necessitate consequential amendments to Condition 4.

(2)       Ms C Innes (from Offham PC) and Mr M Balfour (local resident) addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  Mr P Green (WRG) spoke in reply.

(3)       Mr A R Bassam moved, seconded by Mr J I Muckle that the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group be agreed.

(4)       Mrs S V Hohler moved, seconded by Mr G A Horne that there be no variation of Condition 10 of Permission TM/03/3946.

Amendment carried 13 votes to 2


(5)       During discussion of this item the Committee agreed to an additional condition that should an emergency gas flare prove to be necessary it could only be installed with the permission of the Head of Planning Group in consultation with the Chairman.  It also agreed an Informative that it would wish to see improved measures, to prevent mud from the site getting on to the public highway.

(6)       RESOLVED that:-

(a)       permission be granted to Application TM/07/4014 (new environmental compound comprising leachate storage tanks, portable cabins, compressor, fencing, gates and associated planting, subject to conditions including conditions covering potential noise emissions (including at night); a landscaping scheme being submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority prior to commencement of operations on site (to include details of under-storey planting along the site boundary with Teston Road); except in the case of emergencies, leachate tankers only being permitted to enter and leave the site and being filled between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00 hours Monday to Friday, and 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturday, with no working on Sundays and Bank Holidays; removal of compound site when final restoration, gas and leachate activities cease on site; restoration of land to suitable afteruse consistent with the main planning permission; removal of structures and hardstandings within the site; materials and colour of site office (green), structures and closeboarded fencing; and measures to protect groundwater (eg., suitable containment for leachate tanks);

(b)       permission be granted to Application TM/07/3920 for the variation of conditions 2, 3, 4, 28, 30 and 31of Permission TM/03/3946 subject to conditions including conditions covering the extent of the internal access haul road being agreed in writing with the County Planning Authority; and Landscaping works; together with an Informative advising that the location of any emergency gas flare that may be required to control landgas on the site shall only be located in a position that has been approved by the County Planning Authority;

(c)        permission be refused for that part of Application TM/07/3920 for the variation of Condition 10 (type of waste deposited at the site to allow “clean water sludge” as well as compost) on the grounds of the likely unacceptable odour impact on amenity, contrary to Policy W18 of the Kent Waste Local Plan and Policy NR5 of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan;

(d)       approval be given pursuant to condition 27 of Permission TM/03/3946 to allow the movement, placement and handling of soils between the months of November 2007 to April 2008 (inclusive) subject to conditions including conditions covering soil movement; placement and handling operations on site ceasing if weather and ground conditions become inappropriate; and imported materials, or those used from within the site, being uncompacted and of a type that would provide a suitable drainage medium above the cap; and

(d)       the applicants be informed by Informative that the Committee would wish to see improved measures to prevent mud from the site getting on to the public highway.


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