Agenda item

Trading Standards - Business Charging Policy

To receive a report that outlines the opportunity to generate income for the provision of non-statutory advice to businesses by the Trading Standards Service and seeks endorsement of the proposed decision of the cabinet member to implement the preferred scheme.


1.            The Cabinet Member for Community Services, Mr Hill, introduced a report that outlined the opportunity to generate income for the provision of non-statutory advice to businesses by the Trading Standards Service and sought endorsement of the proposed decision he was due to take to implement the scheme.


2.            The Director of Environment Planning and Enforcement, Mrs Stewart, advised that the Trading Standards Service was a vital part of public protection group of services within the Growth and Environment and Transport Directorate.  Trading standards did not only enforce but were increasingly providing a preventative model of consumer protection and supported KCC’s outcomes around a safer environment, particularly for the Kent  community. The proposal for the introduction for charging for advice would further develop a fairer and sustainable service.


3.            The Head of Trading Services, Mr Rock, highlighted that the reasons for the Policy for charging to be changed was to create a level playing field and fairer charging policy between those companies that chose to enter into a Primary Authority relationship that where charged for advice and those companies that did not enter into a relationship with Trading Standards that received advice for free.


4.            Mrs Stewart and Mr Rock responded to questions as follows:


a)    Mr Rock advised that the Primary Authority for the last financial year was around £15k.  The business advice provided based on last year would be  £35k, if option 3 was agreed that figure would drop to £14k on the basis of providing an hours free advice to businesses over the lifetime of the business to help them develop and grow.   Compliance  advice provided last year totalled 700 hours; part of which would have been more than just compliance and would include advice to  develop that business, whereas now there would be a clear line drawn between dealing  with compliance and advice that would  be charged thereafter. This would amount to approximately £30k this year. 

b)    Mr Rock agreed that those figures would be reflected in future reports to the Cabinet Committee.

c)    Mr Rock advised that Trading Standards conducted a survey in July of 2015 businesses of all sizes.  50% of those businesses were willing to pay for business advice.  The rate surveyed was lower than £70 per hour, at £35 per hour.  He reminded Members that the first hour of advice was free but there was also the option for signposting free advice to good online facilities including Business Companion. One Trading Standards Officers post could be covered for £50k.  The money received from the cost recovery of business advice would be returned to the service to ensure they could continue to provide support to other parts of the service including protecting the most vulnerable.

d)    A comment was made that the website page for Trading Standards was clear and good for businesses

e)    A request was made for the geographic split of where the services were being used to be included in future progress reports to this Cabinet Committee so that consideration could be given to where resources should be focused.

f)     Mr Rock clarified that there were 5.6 FTEs officers working in Business Advice Services Team with 30 staff overall that could provide additional support to the team.


5.            RESOLVED that:-


(a)    the responses to comments and questions by Members be noted; and


(b)    the Cabinet Committee endorsed the decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Community Services on the proposed decision to: 


                                i.   agree the introduction of a charging policy for the provision of advice to businesses by the Trading Standards team.


                               ii.   agree a charging policy in line with option 3; the first hour free for tailored advice to a maximum of one hour (for the lifetime of the business) and £70 per hour thereafter.


                               iii.   agree that the service will provide fully chargeable advice to businesses located outside of the County of Kent

                              iv.   Further explore opportunities to work collaboratively with other authorities and to delegate the decision to undertake such arrangements where appropriate to the Head of Trading Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Services


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