Agenda item

Proposal SW/07/01 - Construction of Rushenden Relief Road, including a road bridge over the Sheerness to Sittingbourne railway line, surface to water drainage systems, environmental mitigation measures, highways lighting, footways and a combined cycleway/footway at Land between the A249 Neats Court Roundabout and Rushenden Road, Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey; SEEDA and Kent County Council.


Mr A D Crowther was present for this item pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.24 and spoke)


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported the views of Ms A Harrison, the Local Member in support of the proposal.


(2)              The Head of Planning Applications Group amended the recommendation to specify that permission should be subject to the impact on the designated European sites being mitigated to the satisfaction of Natural England.


(3)              RESOLVED that:-


(a)     the application be referred to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government as a departure from the approved Development Plan and that subject to her decision and subject also to the impact on the designated European sites being mitigated to the satisfaction of Natural England, permission be granted to the proposal subject to the standard time condition; the development being carried out in accordance with the approved plans; the submission of details of the railway bridge and acoustic and other fencing, where not already included in the application; the submission and approval of details of means of all surface water disposal in consultation with Southern Water; the submission and approval of pollution prevention measures and mitigation and a detailed scheme for the disposal of surface waters in consultation with the Environment Agency, with provision for monitoring of water quality and levels off-site as requested by Natural England; further groundwater protection conditions requested by the Environment Agency; fishery protection conditions as requested by the Environment Agency; the submission of details of the contractors’ access and compound(s); adherence to the Code of Construction Practice set out in Technical Appendix 8 of the Environmental Statement; adherence to a Construction Ecological Management Plan covering all the construction mitigation measures included in the Environmental Statement and an Appropriate Assessment being submitted and approved prior to the commencement of development; adherence to a long term Ecological Management Plan covering all the mitigation measures included n the Environmental Statement and an Appropriate Assessment being submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority; a scheme for the habitat replacement land being submitted prior to commencement of any part of the development works, and thereafter implemented as approved; the screening bund to the southern edge of the proposed Neatscourt Phase 1 development being completed prior to commencement of any part of the development works; a scheme for land enhancement being submitted and agreed with Natural England prior to commencement of any part of the development works, and thereafter implemented as approved; the submission and implementation of a scheme of landscaping and a programme for its maintenance; conditions requested by the County Archaeologist; and submission of a mitigation strategy for reptiles as requested by Natural England;


(b)     the Appropriate Assessment be duly recorded, subject to consultation with Natural England;


(c)      Swale Borough Council be advised that no draining of the saline lagoon is proposed for the reasons set out in paragraph 86 of the report; and


(d)     the applicants be advised of the comments made by the Public Rights of Way Unit, the Area Transportation Manager, Queenborough Town Council and the Queenborough Society regarding the future development of crossing points, bus stops on the completed road and off site traffic management of local roads and junctions following the completion of the new road.  Also that they consult with KCC, Swale Borough and Queenborough Town Councils on these matters and on the routeing and surfacing of new pedestrian and cycleway links to Queenborough from the completed road.