Agenda item

Kent and Medway Crisis Care Concordat - Annual Report

To note progress and support planned work across agencies


Dave Holman (Head of Mental Health Commissioning – NHS West Kent CCG), Rachel Ireland (Chief Superintendent Head of Strategic Partnership Command – Kent Police) and Sarah Holmes-Smith (Kent and Medway NHS Social Care Partnership Trust) were in attendance for this item.


(1)       Mr Holman introduced the report which provided an update on the commitments made in the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat across Kent and Medway.  He referred in particular to paragraph 2.3 of the report which set out the four domains around which outcomes should be designed and measured and to paragraph 4 which outlined a number of initiatives supporting patients in crisis and preventing avoidable attendance at Accident and Emergency.


(2)       Chief Superintendent Ireland said the main focus of the crisis prevention agenda was to reduce the number of Section 136 admissions.  A detailed review of 134 cases from May 2016 had shown that decisions made by the Police to admit under Section 136 were reasonable at the time and that five individuals were responsible for 17 detentions.  The results of the review as well as amendments to the use of Section 136 arising from the Police and Crime Bill were to be considered by the next meeting of the Crisis Concordat Steering Group on 21 July 2016 with a view to determining the next steps.


(3)       In response to questions it was confirmed that:

·         Options other than S136 detentions would be considered at the Crisis Care Concordat Steering Group meeting;

·         The terms of reference of the detailed review did not require consultation with those detained but the importance of looking at an individual’s circumstances and the support they were accessing prior to detention under S136 was acknowledged;

·         The report to the Crisis Care Concordat Steering Group included consideration of alternative places of safety especially in relation to complex needs;

·         Alternative modules of care such as the Sanctuary model in use in Manchester and the Richmond model in use in Sussex had been investigated and over the coming weeks a desired model for Kent and Medway would be agreed;

·         The proposals in the Police and Crime Bill would have the effect of reducing the use of Police custody for Section 136 detentions;

·         The KMPT Single Point of Access (SPOA) had received more than 10,000 calls since it came into operation in April 2016 and patients with urgent or emergency need were referred to appropriate services;

·         The Police have access to professional advice through the SPOA and of the 134 cases reviewed 7 officers did not get a response on the phone;

·         The feasibility of improving and expanding the S136 Place of Safety for children and young people in Dartford was being considered;

·         Responding to a crisis was also included in the CAMHS Strategy and commissioning plan.

·         Data at the local level was available and could be shared.


(4)       Comments were made about the risk of designing and commissioning services without the involvement of clients and the need to ensure that any provision of places of safety was underpinned by certainty they were being used by those with mental health issues and not by those involved in anti-social behaviour was acknowledged.  It was also acknowledged that the further investigation and review of Section 136 detentions could expose a range of other issues such as the commissioning of preventative services at an early stage and the difficulties of commissioning such services which were not all within the remit of the Crisis Care Concordat.


(5)       Resolved that:

(a)       The work of the Kent and Medway Health Crisis Care Concordat be supported;


(b)       The governance framework of the concordat group reporting annually on progress to both the Kent and Medway Health and Wellbeing Boards be agreed;


(c)        Data in relation to Section 136 be circulated to members of the Health and Wellbeing Board;


(d)       The Board may wish to receive a written report on progress sooner than the annual report in July 2017.

Supporting documents: