Agenda item

Application TM/15/1636 (KCC/TM/0141/2015) - Section 73 application to revise the existing working, landscaping and restoration scheme pursuant to Condition 19 of Permission TM/98/1815 including permanent re-routeing of track (and public right of way) at Nepicar Sand Quarry, Maidstone Road, Wrotham Heath; J Clubb Ltd


(1)         The Committee agreed to the deletion of the “maintain 75% silica sand sales” condition on the recommendation of the Head of Planning Applications Group. 


(2)         In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee strengthened the new condition by specifying that the footpath would be formally diverted before extraction began within phase 3 of the quarrying operations (see 3 (b) below).   It also strengthened the Informative on the rain shelter in 3 (c) (i) below as well as including an additional Informative as set out in (3) (c) (ii) below.


(3)         RESOLVED that permission be granted to the application subject to:-


(a)                      there-impositionof conditionspreviouslyimposedon permissionTM/98/1815 (updated and amended as necessary)including conditions covering the developmentbeingcarried outin accordance with the approved details; theonlyaccesstobe usedby trafficenteringor leavingthesitebeing the existingquarryaccessfromthe A25; no excavation taking place within 30 metres of the boundaryof the M26; the safeguardingof visibilitysplays; measures to preventmud and debris on the publichighway; the sheetingof loaded vehicles;      maintenance of the access road surface;  signs indicatingleftturnonlyonto the A25;  a restriction on average weeklytrafficflowsfromNepicar  (and ParkFarmQuarry); no excavation taking place within 30 metres of AskewBridge Cottages; no extraction taking place below65 metres AOD; no materials being imported for processing,storage ordistribution; the retention ofsoilsand overburden onsite; appropriate handlingof soils; appropriate treatmentof stockpiles which will be no more than 5 metres in height; the submissionof an alternativerestorationscheme in the eventof cessationof working priorto completion;  the retention oftreesand shrubsfor5 years; no importation except for topsoil and subsoil; aftercare;  operatinghours being0700 to 1800hours on Mondays to Fridays,essentialmaintenanceonly from 0700 to1300 hours on Saturdays, with no operations on Sundays,Bankor PublicHolidays; a scheme of Woodland and Wildlife HabitatAftercare being implemented; the removalof permitteddevelopmentrightstoerect,extend,installor replacefixed plant,machinery,buildings,structures,erectionsunlessagreedinwritingby the MineralPlanningAuthority; the display of the planningpermission; the replacement control ofnoiseconditionsuggestedby the noise advisor; proper maintenance of vehicles,plantand machinery;  control ofdust; the removal ofall buildings,machinery,foundations and bases and the restoration of the site; measures to prevent flytipping; monitoringof groundwater; safe storage ofoilsand chemicals; and the keeping of silica sand sale records;


(b)          newconditions, including conditions covering progressive  working,  landscaping  and  restoration  in  accordance  with the submitted plans; prior to the commencement of extraction within phase 3 of the quarrying operations, PROW MER248 and the access road serving Nepicar Meadow Cottage and The Chalet shall have been formally diverted; details of the specification of the diverted route including passing places and which address matters of safety shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority for approval and thereafter be implemented as approved; and the additionalecologicalmeasuresidentifiedin  the CorylusEcologyReport of  January 2016 being carried out; and;


(c)        the applicants being advised by Informative that:-


(i)            they should supply exactdetailsof theproposedrain shelterpriortoitbeingbroughtonto the siteinorder thattheCountyCouncilcan concludeon the need for permissionor priorapproval (or otherwise); and


(ii)          they should submit at an early stage a completed application to secure the formal diversion of PROW MR248 in order to avoid any potential delay to phase 3 of the quarrying operations.




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