Agenda item

Proposal 16/503410/COUNTY (KCC/MA/0084/2016) - Two storey extension to faciliate the expansion of the school from 1 FE to 2 FE at South Borough School, Stagshaw Close, Maidstone; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support


(1)       Mr R H Bird was present for this item pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.27 and spoke.


(2)       In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee amended the School Travel Plan to ensure that it was reviewed annually.  It also added an Informative to strongly encourage the applicants to explore the reopening of the Postley Road pedestrian access.


(3)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering thestandard5 year timelimit; the development being carriedoutinaccordancewith thepermitteddetails; the  submission  and  approvalof  detailsof  all  constructionmaterialstobe used externally; hoursofworkingduringconstructionbeingrestrictedtobetweenthehoursof0800 and1800 on Mondays to Fridays andbetweenthehoursof0900 and 1300 on Saturdays, withno operationson Sundaysor BankHolidays; deliveriesfor constructionbeing undertakenoutsideofschool peak times; the provisionof wheel washing facilities for the durationof the constructionperiod; therecommendationsset out intheEcological Appraisal beingimplemented;   thesubmissionofarchaeologicalfieldevaluationworks; the provisionand permanent retentionofthevehicle,cycleand scooterparking facilitiesprior to the occupationoftheschool; the submissionofan updatedSchoolTravelPlanpriortotheoccupationof the extensionand itsannual reviewwith the results being published on the school website in order to encourage amongst other matters the safe crossing of the A229 and surrounding roads; and the submissionofa nativespecieslandscapeschemeand detailsofa maintenance schemeforsuch landscaping; and


(b)           the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)           they should  register theSchoolTravelPlan with Kent County Councilthroughthe Jambusterswebsite;


(ii)          they should ensure that allnecessaryhighwayapprovalsand consentsare obtained;


(iii)         they should ensure thatworkson sitearecarriedout outsideof thebreedingbirdseasonand, ifthis isnot possible,that anecologist examines the siteprior to workscommencing;  and


(iv)         the School is strongly encouraged to explore the reopening of the former Postley Road pedestrian access north of Tilling Close in order to redistribute drop-off/collection opportunities.

Supporting documents: