Agenda item

Progress Report of the Growth and Infrastructure Framework


1.    Mrs Stewart, Director of Environment, Planning and Enforcement, thanked Members for the opportunity to discuss the progress of the Growth and Infrastructure Framework (GIF).  The GIF document had been originally published in 2015 and the report gave the Scrutiny Committee an update on progress.  Mrs Platts, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Manager, explained that there would be a full refresh of the GIF in 2017.  In Spring/Summer 2017 it was hoped that conclusions would be drawn and a draft update of the GIF would be produced. 


2.    A Member asked about job numbers in Kent and whether the figures were accurate.  In Maidstone 18,000 new homes were expected between now and 2031 and the evidence base for job creation was weak with no details or explanation of where jobs would be created.  The Member also commented that in paragraph 8 the calculated number of new jobs did not increase between 2015 and 2016.  Another Member expanded on the previous point raising the issue of commercial property changing to residential property without the same rigor in the planning process.  Large areas of manufacturing land were unwanted and it was thought that permission would be granted for residential housing in the long term. 


3.    Mrs Stewart recognised that in the original GIF the commercial employment element was weak; work was underway to better understand commercial growth.  KCC was working on this with Locate in Kent which was tasked with bringing in new jobs.  Despite not being the planning authority KCC could engage with Government and Districts and identify where opportunities were available. 


4.    The Cabinet Member explained that it was difficult to dictate jobs, some of the research being done by KCC was because of concerns that offices had been built in the wrong places.  Mr Dance, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, and his team were continuing to work to generate jobs in Kent.  It was also necessary to ensure that the right rail connections and right roads were available and strong efforts were being made to ensure jobs were created and remained in Kent. 


5.    Members were concerned that this problem had been discussed for the last decade; it was a historical problem of increased housing and decreased jobs.


6.    In response to a question about why the Corporate Director was not present at the Scrutiny Committee meeting the Chairman confirmed that the appropriate officers along with the Cabinet Member had attended the Scrutiny Committee meeting to discuss the item and answer Members’ questions. 


7.    One Member confirmed that he was pleased that the GIF would in future be produced in house and that the cost was therefore internal only.  In response to a query about the funding gap in paragraph 8 of the report, Mrs Stewart confirmed that if the funding gap continued to increase it might be necessary to look elsewhere for funding. 


8.    A Member agreed that houses must be built but when there was a large funding gap, there was a need to think about communities which involved people and school facilities, for example, to ensure that in 10 years the growth and infrastructure was appropriate for society and communities. 


9.    In response to a point about funding, the Cabinet Member confirmed that there was an Infrastructure Funding Group with Cabinet Members and senior officers overseeing infrastructure funding, and that an officer co-ordinated KCC’s engagement in every major development. The Infrastructure Funding Group helps to find a solution to problems encountered with developments.  The Cabinet Member insisted that every effort was being made with Government to ensure that appropriate funding was provided.  He agreed with the point about creating communities, this took years to achieve and the design element existed within the GIF with an aim to create vibrant new communities. 


10. A Member asked that Action 10 on page 36 be moved up to Action 1 of the GIF Action Plan and more emphasis should be placed on ensuring high quality design. 


11. Mrs Stewart explained that a conference would be held with key stakeholders to understand how the County Council could add value to the work of the local planning authorities.  KCC wanted to be able to give local planning officers the tools to respond to design in the planning process.  The Cabinet Member referred to Design South East which went into districts to ensure that they were design conscious.  Kent Design Guide was found to be too prescriptive; KCC was aiming to establish that good design was worth investing in and to promote good design. 


12. In response to a question about schools and health services and whether housing estates would have sufficient services available to them, Mr Balfour explained that the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) had an aim to bring together health and community services. This necessity was already in the GIF but the relevant documents needed to fit together to enable to services to understand how each was funded. 


13. A Member had concerns that the planning rules regarding free schools were lacking, there was opportunity to control a development site on the GPO site in Maidstone.  There were hopes that the aspirations made by the Cabinet Member were repeated when it came to developing that site.  


RESOLVED that Members:


a.     thank the Cabinet Member and Officers for attending the meeting and for answering Members’ questions. 


b.    note the progress of the GIF and request that Officers be mindful of the comments made by the Scrutiny Committee especially the need for appropriate infrastructure and to recognise the importance of Action 10 in the GIF Action Plan.   

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