Agenda item

Strategic acquisition, Maidstone - joint freehold acquisition of the Royal Mail site, with Maidstone Borough Council

To consider and note the update on the acquisition of the Royal Mail sorting warehouse and offices, Sandling Road, Maidstone.



Mr S Dodd, Disposal, Acquisition and Development Surveyor, was in attendance for this item.


1.            Mr Cooke introduced the report and set out the rationale for the proposed use of the site, which was of strategic importance to both the County and Borough Councils and would benefit both, as well as the economy of Maidstone. Mr Cooke, Ms Spore and Mr Dodd responded to questions of detail from the Sub-Committee on the information set out in the published and exempt reports, including the planned short- and long-term uses of the site, the way in which the planned stages and design would be communicated to Members and shared with the public, and the planned next stages, including the appointment of a development manager early in 2017.


2.            The proposed development was generally welcomed and supported by the Sub-Committee, and the officer team was congratulated on the project, which was an excellent example of joint working between the County and Borough Councils to enhance Kent’s county town, provide a mixed retail and residential development and new employment.


3.            RESOLVED that the joint acquisition, the short-term holding strategy and long-term objectives for the site be noted.

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