Agenda item

Kent Community Safety Agreement - End of Year Update



1.    The Head of Communtiy Safety, KCC updated Members of the Partnership on the Kent Community Safety Agreement (CSA).  It was considered that the CSA had achieved a significant amount, it had established a domestic abuse support services website, a domestic homicide review (DHR) process, community safety conferences and shared local profiles to develop an understanding of serious organised crime issues across Kent and Medway.  


2.    This had previously been a 3 year strategic document however there was no longer a requirement to produce a plan covering a 3 year period, and at the suggestion of the partnership at the March 2016 meeting the CSA had been developed into a rolling plan.


3.    The multi-agency Kent Community Safety Team were working with colleagues nationally as well as district/borough colleagues on a pilot of the MoRiLE (management of risk in law enforcement) matrix  to inform identification of community safety priorities.


4.    Ms Brinson, explained that the team sourced data sets from partner agencies for use within the CSA as well as by district/borough colleagues as part of their local  strategic assessment process. .


5.    The CSA, focussed on vulnerability and victims, the Team facilitated a pilot with six district/borough community safety units in Kent to trial the use of the MoRiLE (Management of Risk in Law Enforcement) scoring matrix.  Further information on the scoring matrix was available in Appendix B of the draft CSA.


6.    Ms Brinson confirmed that, assuming the KCSP was happy with the proposed rolling document, the current CSA had been designed to update certain chapters annually.  Ms Brinson requested feedback from group by end of march, and subject to the feedback the draft refreshed plan should be available by early April and published mid to late April.


7.    The Chairman commented that this was a partnership document, if any partners had input please put forward as soon as possible.


8.    A Partnership Member commended the broad plan with different themes which captured key elements.  There was a thought that Kent criminal justice plan needed to be referenced.  Another Member from Kent Police confirmed that Kent Police were content with the document. 


9.    There was a thought that there should be more links with the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board and links with joint commissioning. 


10. Cllr Gulvin, Medway Council explained that the CSA was not a dissimilar document to Medway’s Community Safety Plan, he agreed that links with the health and wellbeing board were key.


11. Mr Rivers, KALC asked whether Medway’s document could be circulated to the Partnership, this is available here. 


12. In response to a question about the cross-cutting theme relating to Community Resilience the officer confirmed that the CSA might touch on elements of resilience in response to emergencies i.e. flooding but the main focus would be around issues such as social isolation and improving wellbeing. 


13. One Member commented that in relation to reducing reoffending, the priorities were accommodation and employment and she sought reassurance that this was captured in the plan.  Mr Peerbux confirmed that the CSA was a strategic document with overarching priorities and the detailed activity would be captured in the action plan.  The issues raised would be considered at the next KCSP Working Group meeting.


14. One Member commented that it would be helpful to have the template of the plan available online to allow partners to replicate style and delivery across Districts to save time.


15. The Chairman confirmed that the final plan would be published mid to late April. 




16. The Kent Community Safety Partnership (KCSP) agrees the priorities and cross-cutting themes within the attached draft Community Safety Agreement, noting that this is subject to the final outcomes of the district/borough strategic assessments and any additional partnership feedback. 


17. Agree that the Community Safety Agreement be a rolling document with a refresh of the relevant chapters on an annual basis.  

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