Agenda item

Kent Community Safety Partnership Working Group Update



1.    Ian Thomson, Chair of the KCSP (Kent Community Safety Partnership) Working Group updated Members on the key activities and projects being managed on behalf of the KCSP by the working group. 


2.    Planning was underway for the next community safety conference to be held in November 2017, with the theme of “vulnerabilities; impact of gangs”.  One meeting had taken place so far and partners were invited to share issues or contribute to the community safety conference.  


3.    Workshops and awareness sessions had been held for community safety partners including antisocial behaviour tools and powers.  There had also been four e-safety awareness sessions, (40-80 attendees at each events) and two community safety information sessions.  The KCST looked at information sharing with CSPs and developing the Safer Communities Portal further to share good practice, guidance and templates. 


4.    The Head of Communtiy Safety, KCC, offered thanks to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for project funding this financial year and next financial year.  Projects covered the whole county, invitations for bids would be opened shortly and this would be communicated to partners.  Localised projects should be referred to the local CSPs.  Details of the funding were included in the report but a couple of the projects highlighted were the scam victims, support and raising awareness, and the part funded research into S136 mental health issues, to help inform practice going forward. 


5.    Adrian Harper, Chief of Staff, OPCC explained the fantastic impact of the “Is It Worth It” campaign.  This had a simple key message and was clear to understand, the OPCC would support similar events in future.  Another Member also commented that this was run by a local Kent business.   The Commissioner had met with the CEO to look at other value for money projects, with a low cost per head to get such key educational messages across. 


6.    In response to a query about digital scams the Head of Community Safety confirmed that there was an intelligence team within public protection which was working with police to look at such issues.  There was a strong emphasis on cyber crime issues and links with police.  The Chairman confirmed that he had recently visited the intelligence team and he had asked for a paper to be submitted to Cabinet Committee and it was suggested that the KCSP also receive the paper


7.    A Member commented on the Dark Web and that work on that should be  incorporated. 


8.    Following a query about the previous conference on dementia a Partnership Member asked for a follow up/feedback session.  The Head of Community Safety confirmed that following the conference delegates went away as signed up dementia friends, dementia friendly cafes were set up.


9.    The Head of Community Safety updated Members following the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee which took place in December 2016.  Members were given an overview of the work of the Kent Community Safety Team, and focussed on 3 of the priorities, road safety, substance misuse and serious organised crime.   Very positive feedback had been received and the KCST would report back to the Community Safety Scrutiny Committee meeting next year. 


10. Mr Thompson updated the group on the focus on prevent to tackle Serious Organised Crime (SOC).  Referring to the SOC profiles, Mr Thompson encouraged agencies to ensure profiles were being looked at and developed into multi-agency profiles.  


RESOLVED that the KCSP note the progress and actions undertaken by the Working Group.

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