Agenda item

17 00024 Proposal to implement an Education Services Company

There has been considerable work over the last 6 months to develop a Full Business Case to support the decision to implement a new service delivery model for Kent Education Services, via the creation of a new Education Services Company. The decision will encompass both the implementation of a new company, the commissioning of that company to continue to deliver Education Services on behalf of KCC and to recommend the legal entity type.


It is also recommended that a shadow governance structure is implemented from April 2017, to allow the governance arrangements for the implementation phase to begin and to trial these arrangements before the Education Services Company goes live later in 2017.




The committee received a report setting out the latest position regarding preparatory work toward establishment of a new Education Services Company and presenting the full business case for consideration.

Mr Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform introduced the matter and sought comment or endorsement of the proposed decision of Cabinet to establish the company as set out in the report and appendices.  He emphasised the importance of delivering services that reflected national policy and local objectives, in new and innovative ways, while building on the solid and continually improving work that was already being achieved at KCC


Mr Hill, Cabinet Member for Communities spoke to the item to confirm that he was supporting the proposals, following careful consideration and having received assurances regarding the provision of services within his portfolio.


Mr Oakford, Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services, also confirmed his support for the proposals having also received assurances from the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services about the maintenance of facets of provision within his own portfolio which he valued highly.


Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services, Patrick Leeson said that it was important to maintain the existing supportive arrangements with Kent Schools; schools had access to quality, cost-effective services from KCC to support improvement in educational attainment and standards; and that the opportunities to generate income from traded services to reinvest in supporting the delivery of education services were maximised.


The Cabinet Members and Mr Leeson answered Members’ questions relating to the information set out in the exempt appendices. 


(4)       Resolved that:


(a)       The proposal to seek approval to create a company, in line with the business case, and to enter into such contractual arrangements as are necessary to facilitate that creation be endorsed;


(b)       The legal structure of the proposed company and the delegation of authority to the Monitoring Officer to agree the final details in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, the Cabinet Member for Commercial and Traded Services, the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services and the Corporate Director of Finance and Procurement be endorsed;


(c)        The implementation of the shadow governance structure from April 2017 be endorsed.


All three proposals were voted on together and the votes were as follows:

For: 7 Against: 2 Abstentions: 1


Supporting documents: