Agenda item

Member Remuneration Panel


(1)          Mr Hotson moved and Mr Gregory seconded the following motion


“To apply a global increase of 15% to all current allowances

·         From 2018/19 onwards, to apply an annual increase to the Basic Allowance, Special Responsibility Allowances and Carer’s Allowance that is index-linked to the total staff pay progression pot agreed for the previous financial year and expressed as a percentage.

·         To accept the recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel and create an additional SRA for the Cabinet Lead for Trading Services at the equivalent of Cabinet Member.

·         To amend Appendix 7 of the Constitution to reflect these changes”


(2)          Mr Bird proposed and Mrs Dean seconded the following amendment:


“The County Council is asked to note this report, the report of the Independent Member Remuneration Panel and to consider and determine the Members’ Allowances Scheme for the period May 2017 to May 2021 in line with the Panel’s recommendations as set out in Section 16, namely:

To restore the Basic Member Allowance from £12,805 to £13,000 (1.50% increase) for the period 8th May 2017 to the election in May 2021, see Appendix 5.


To index link the Basic Member Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs) to the Staff Total Contribution Pay Process (TCP), ‘achieving level’ for the period 2017 – 2021 (1.8% in 2017/18).


To create an additional SRA for the Cabinet Lead for Trading Services at the equivalent of Cabinet Member.


To index link the Carer’s Allowance to the Staff TCP for the period 2017- 2021.


No other recommended changes to the allowances.”


(3)          Following the debate the Chairman put the amendment set out in paragraph (2) above to the vote and the voting was as follows:


For (7)


Mr R Bird, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr G Lymer


Against (57)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr P Barrington-King,  Mr T Bond, Mr A Bowles, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mr N Chard, Mrs P Cole, Mr N Collor, Ms K Constantine, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mr T Dhesi, Mr D Farrell, Mrs L Game, Mrs S Gent, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mr K Gregory, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler,  Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson,  Mr P Lake, Mr B Lewis,  Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr A Marsh, Ms  D Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Murphy, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr D Pascoe, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr J Simmonds, Mrs P Stockell, Dr L Sullivan, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr M Whiting, Mr  M Whybrow, Mr J Wright.


Abstain (6)


Mrs C Bell, Mrs R Binks, Mr D Butler, Mrs S Chandler, Mr M Horwood, Mr J Kite


 Amendment lost



(4)          Following further debate the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph (1) above to the vote and the voting was as follows;


For (48)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr A Bowles, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mr N Chard, Mrs P Cole, Mr N Collor,  Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mrs S Gent, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mr K Gregory, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler,  Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood,  Mr E Hotson, Mr P Lake, Mr R Long, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Ms  D Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr D Pascoe, Mrs S, Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr J Simmonds, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr M Whiting, Mr J Wright.


Against (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr I Chittenden,  Ms K Constantine, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr T Dhesi, Mr D Farrell, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis,  Mr D Murphy, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Abstain (9)


Mrs C Bell, Mrs R Binks, Mr T Bond, Mr D Butler, Mrs S Chandler, Mr M Horwood,  Mr J Kite, Mr R Love, Mr J Ozog,


Motion carried


(5)          RESOLVED that


(a)          a global increase of 15% be applied to all current allowances


(b)          from 2018/19 onwards, an annual increase be applied to the Basic Allowance, Special Responsibility Allowances and Carer’s Allowance that is index-linked to the total staff pay progression pot agreed for the previous financial year and expressed as a percentage


(c)          the recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel to create an additional SRA for the Cabinet Lead for Trading Services at the equivalent of Cabinet Member be accepted.


(d)          Appendix 7 of the Constitution be amended to reflect these changes.

Supporting documents: