Agenda item

Directorate Dashboard

To receive and note a report that shows progress made against targets for Key Performance Indicators.


Richard Fitzgerald (Business Intelligence Manager – Performance), Roger Wilkin (Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste), Katie Stewart (Director of Environment, Planning and Enforcement) were in attendance for this item.


(1)          Mr Fitzgerald introduced the report which showed progress made against targets for Key Performance Indicators. The latest Dashboard was for July 2017.  He outlined his role in producing the report and referred in particular, to the guidance notes and Key Performance Indicator Summary at page 28 and 29 of the agenda pack.


(2)          He informed Members that performance for July was ahead of target with only one indicator showing as red in relation to the Resident Satisfaction with Highways Schemes. The Cabinet Committee was advised that lessons had been learned and it was expected that the indicator would in future be rated as green. Attention was also brought to the improvement around Waste Management and municipal waste diverted from landfill with KCC now leading the country as the top performing authority.


(3)          In response to the questions officers provided further information.


(4)          Mr Wilkin said that all figures mentioned within the report and, in particular, those in relation to potholes and street lighting repairs were currently above target and recorded as one of the most successful years. Mr Wilkin said the pothole blitz had been running successfully for the past few months and had received positive feedback about the high quality of work being carried out. Of the 1700 potholes that had been fixed to date, only 2 had failed the quality check.


(5)          Mr Wilkin said that Street-lighting repairs were above target; this was in large part due to the LED conversion that had been carried out within residential areas. A capital bid had been submitted for funding to replace the concrete columns across Kent.


(6)          Mr Wilkin said that the targets shown on page 30 of the report related to the measurements of quality and those shown on page 31 were a measure of quantity.


(7)          Ms Stewart said that whilst the LED Street Lighting Programme had an impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (EPE13), performance was just behind target. She said that further actions included reducing business mileage and increasing staff awareness through the Green Guardians Programme. An ISO 14001 audit had identified a decrease in emissions across a range of services; the next audit would focus on Social Care. 


(8)          Mr Wilkin said the HT01 figures reflected the potholes reported and the response time for these. The potholes repaired as part of the pothole blitz consisted of those reported by highway stewards and inspectors.


(9)          Mr Wilkin said that in relation to the number of potholes, KCC were unable to provide exact figures however a large scale operation was being carried out across the whole of Kent to resolve all reported work by the end of October / early November. 


(10)       Mr Wilkin encouraged all Members to attend the Area Member Briefings when district managers would report on the progression of work within the district areas.


(11)       Mr Balfour said the Local Authority already provided strategic routing on the internet for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) to reduce the cost of highway maintenance on rural roads; however, most HGV vehicles were inclined to use satellite navigation equipment rather than KCC’s suggested routing.


(12)        Mr Balfour said there was a backlog of repairs on highways including roads, footways and footpaths.


(13)       In relation to maintenance of highways, Mr Wilkin assured Members that the Highways, Transportation and Waste Team worked closely with Members in the Districts to attract additional funding. A capital bid had been submitted in respect of the unfunded highway work.


(14)       Mr Wilkin said that due to the complexity of work involved with potholes it was not possible to put signage up giving a completion date. The Pothole Blitz Programme was, however, advertised on the KCC website and other areas for the public to view.


(15)       Resolved that the report be noted.

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