Agenda item

Strategic and Corporate Service Directorate Performance Dashboard

To receive a report which shows the progress made against targets set for Key Performance Indicators for Strategic and Corporate Services.


Mr Fitzgerald (Business Intelligence Manager - Performance) and Ms Spore (Director of Infrastructure) were in attendance for this item.


1.          Mr Fitzgerald introduced the Strategic and Corporate Services Performance Dashboard which highlighted the progress that had been made against targets set for Key Performance Indicators.


Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Hotson (Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services) and Ms Spore then responded to comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


a)    Mr Hotson started by referring to the annual net capital receipts target within the report and explained the reasons as to why the target had not been met. He said that robust plans were in place across Kent to alleviate pressures. Ms Spore added to Mr Hotson’s comments in relation to capital receipts and said that the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee and the Property Sub-Committee had regular discussions on capital receipts to ensure that decisions relating to the matter were at the best interest of the Council which sometimes meant taking a longer-term view to secure the best value.


b)    Mr Hotson referred to the rent due to Kent County Council outstanding over 60 days target within the report and explained that the main reason for not meeting the target was tenants that did not pay their rent on time. Ms Spore added to Mr Hotson’s comments in relation to the outstanding rent target within the report and said that although the figures regularly fluctuated, the overall direction of travel in terms of total rent outstanding was positive. She confirmed that the total amount of rent outstanding at 60 days was £61,000 and was at its lowest level that Kent County Council had had throughout the year. In relation to next steps, Ms Spore said that Kent County Council would continue to ensure that the information that tenants received was clear and concise to prevent late rent payments.


c)    Ms Cooke explained the reasons behind the red monthly indicator for invoices received by Accounts Payable within 30 days of Kent County Council’s received date and highlighted the key work that had been undertaken to ensure that all officers within Cantium Business Solutions that were responsible for checking and approving invoices were aware of the deadlines by which they had to provide approvals for. She added that a routine report would be established for all budget holders within Cantium Business Solutions to make them aware of the invoices that were due and when they were due. Ms Cooke expressed her view in relation to the plans that had been put in place to ensure that the target could be achieved and was hopeful that a significant improvement would occur over the next three months.


d)    Ms Cooke confirmed that Cantium Business Solutions did not have the authority to process invoices on Kent County Council’s behalf without the relevant budget holder’s authority.


e)    Mr Watts referred to the report and presentation that was submitted to the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee in November 2018 relating to Freedom of Information and said that there was a 10% increase in the number of Freedom of Information requests that Kent County Council had received in 2018/19 in comparison to the previous financial year. There had also been a decrease in the amount of resource that was available across the Council due to financial constraints. He reassured Members that robust plans had been put into place to ensure that the increase in Freedom of Information requests was at a manageable level and to improve the current Key Performance Indicator rating. He thanked all staff within Governance and Law for continuing to manage Freedom of Information requests and Subject Access requests so efficiently.


f)     Miss Carey commended the work that had been undertaken by officers within Governance and Law to significantly improve the Subject Access request rating within the report. Miss Carey reiterated Mr Watts’ comments in relation to the increase in Freedom of Information requests in 2018/19, however a large number of these questions had come from a small number of serial enquirers.


g)    Mr Watts confirmed that the Governance and Law Activity Indicators within the report referred to formal meetings of the Council.


h)    Ms Spore said that it was important to ensure that Kent County Council continued to make the best use of the assets and resources that were available and regularly review services and processes.


i)     Mr Watts explained the way in which repeat Freedom of Information requests were categorised.


2.          RESOLVED that the report be noted.


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