Agenda item

Application SE/18/0293 (KCC/SE/0007/2018) - Construction and operation of an Agricultural Waste Digester and ancillary infrastructure at Court Lodge Farm, Stack Road, Horton Kirby; Oncoland Ltd


(1)                In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee added an Informative advising that mechanical apparatus associated with the development would be maintained (and appropriately shrouded as necessary) such that there would be no detriment to the existing background noise levels at noise sensitive properties as a result of the application.  


(2)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)             permission be granted to the application subject to condition, including conditions covering the timeLimitof3 yearsfor commencementof the development; no vehicle visitingthesite between the hoursof0700 to 0930 and1500 to 1800;  onlywastearisingsfromthefarmestate(plusglycerol)as setoutintheapplication going through the Agricultural Waste Digester (AWD) plantandno other wastebeing importedtothefacility; thevehiclesbringingmaterialsforprocessingtotheAWDandthosetakingthe digestate forapplicationtothe fields followingtheroutesdetailedinthe Trip Generation andDistributionTechnical Note;  no developmenttaking placeuntil after thesubmissionandsubsequentapprovalofa ConstructionandEnvironmentalManagementPlandetailingthe methods of constructionandproposedmitigationso asto minimiseimpactsuponanyprotected species and theirhabitatsandthe ancientwoodland; aschemeofarchaeologicalfieldevaluationbeing securedand implementedpriortocommencementas setout in paragraph 28 of the report;  detailedplansof theconstructionanddesigncapacityof the attenuation being submittedforapproval priortoitsconstruction;  detailsofmaterialsand finishesofallbuildingsbeing submitted for approval priortoconstruction;  the submission for approval of asitemanagementplan(includingarrangementsfor managementofthetransferofmaterialtoand fromtheAWDandmeasuresto address anyspill issue that may arise);  the submission for approval of a detailed landscaping plan; landscapingbeing maintainedforfive years and any failures being replaced within thatperiod; and full detailsofanyproposedlighting beingsubmittedforapproval; and


(b)       the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)               as there is habitat for breeding birds on site, they are advised of the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in respect of their protection; and


(ii)             all mechanical associated with the development hereby permitted shall be maintained (and appropriately shrouded as necessary) such that there will be no detriment to the existing background noise levels at noise sensitive properties as a result of this application.


Supporting documents: