Agenda item

Brexit Preparedness - Kent County Council Position


(1)       Mr Carter proposed and Mr Dance seconded the following recommendation:


“County Council is asked to ENDORSEKent County Council’s position in relation to Brexit.”


(2)       Mr Hook proposed and Mr Bird seconded the following amendment:


“The Council calls on the UK Government to ensure that:


(a)      Kent is not exposed to a ‘no deal’ Exit from the European Union and all steps necessary to avoid that shall be taken; and


(b)      The proposed Exit Deal should be subject to a People’s Vote in the UK.


(3)                        Mr Oakford* moved and Mr Gibbens * seconded the procedural motion “that the question be put”, the Chairman put this to vote and the voting was as follows:


For (51)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mrs R Binks, Mr T Bond, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mr N Chard, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr D Daley, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mrs S Gent, Mr G Gibbens, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr S Manion, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Murphy, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr I Thomas, Mr M Whiting, Mr J Wright.


Against (10)


Mr R Bird, Mr I Chittenden, Ms K Constantine, Mrs T Dean, Mr T Dhesi, Mr D Farrell, Mr A Hook, Mr B Lewis, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow.


Abstain (1)


Mr A Bowles.


Procedural motion carried


(4)                        Following a debate, the Chairman put the amendment as set out in paragraph (2) to the vote and the voting was as follows:


For (6)


Mr R Bird, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr A Hook, Mr M Whybrow.


Against (51)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mrs R Binks, Mr T Bond, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mr N Chard, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mrs S Gent, Mr G Gibbens, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr S Manion, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Murphy, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr I Thomas, Mr M Whiting, Mr J Wright.


Abstain (5)


Ms K Constantine, Mr T Dhesi, Mr D Farrell, Mr B Lewis, Dr L Sullivan.


Amendment lost


(5)         Following a debate, the Chairman put the motion as set out in paragraph (1) to vote and voting was as follows:


For (58)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr R Bird, Mr T Bond, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mr N Chard, Mr I Chittenden, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr D Daley, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs T Dean, Mr T Dhesi, Mr D Farrell, Mrs L Game, Mrs S Gent, Mr G Gibbens, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr A Hook, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr B Lewis, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr S Manion, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Murphy, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Dr L Sullivan, Mr I Thomas, Mr M Whiting, Mr J Wright.


Against (1)


Mr M Whybrow.


Abstain (1)


Ms K Constantine.


Motion carried


(6)        RESOLVED that Kent County Council’s position in relation to Brexit, be endorsed.


(*as amended at County Council – 18 October 2018)


Supporting documents: