Agenda item

Proposal SE/18/01521/KCCRG3 (KCC/SE/0075/2018) - Erection of a two storey extension to the existing school to provide accommodation for an additional Form of Entry (1FE to 2FE), relocation of existing mobile classroom and the provision of a further temporary classroom (for 12 months), 18no additional car parking spaces, new hard court playground (including MUGA), associated landscaping and ancillary works at Seal Church of England Primary School, Zambra Way, Seal, Sevenoaks, TN15 0DJ


(1)          The Head of Planning Applications Group reported correspondence from Seal PC commenting on the report and requesting an additional condition.  She also reported the receipt of three late representations in support of the proposal and the comments of the Local Member, Mr R W Gough, also in support.


(2)         During discussion of the item, the Committee requested a future training session on the effectiveness of School Travel Plans. 


(3)         In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee agreed to amend the native species landscaping condition to specify the inclusion of berry-bearing trees and bushes. 


(4)          RESOLVED that:-


(a)          theapplication be referred totheSecretary ofState for Housing,Communitiesand Local Government,and that subject to his decision, permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard3 yeartime limit for implementation; the developmentbeing carried outin accordance with the permitted details; thesubmissionfor approvalof detailsof allconstructionmaterialstobe used externally; thefirstfloorwindowson theeasternendelevationbeing obscureglazedas shownon drawingnumberXXZZDRA050007Rev P01 and retained as such to avoid overlookingneighbouringproperties; detailsof theroofplantbeing submitted for approvalinwritingpriorto the commencementof the permanentdevelopment; alltemporaryclassroomsbeing permanently removedfromthesitewithin3 monthsof occupationof theschoolextension, with theland beingreinstatedas partof the playing field/informal playspace;  thesubmissionandwrittenapproval ofa revisedandupdatedSchool Travel Plan within6 monthsof occupationof theextension, anditsongoingmonitoring review thereafter fora period of5 years;  theoff-siteparkingfacilitybeing providedforparentdrop offandpickup facilities priorto1 September2019,or upon completionandoccupation ofthe extension, whicheveristhelater,tomitigatefortheexpansionof SealPrimarySchoolfrom 1FE to 2FE;   thesubmissionof aConstructionManagementPlan,providingdetailsof, amongst othermatters, notraffic movementsincludingdeliveries,occurring in Zambra Way andAshPlattRoadduringschoolstartandfinishtimes,thelocationof parking andturningareas forconstructionanddelivery vehicles, sitepersonneland visitors,the provision ofwheel washing facilities and hoursof construction; theecological enhancementsrecommendedin theEcological Appraisal being implemented; adetailedreptileandamphibianmitigationstrategybeing submitted priorto commencementof the development; a batemergencesurvey andany detailsof mitigationbeing submittedpriorto commencementof the development; the provisionandpermanentretentionof thevehicleandcycleparkingfacilitiesprior to the occupation ofthe school; the submission for written approval of afullydetailedsustainablesurfacewaterdrainageschemeforthe sitepriortocommencementof thepermanentdevelopment,and its on-goingmaintenance priorto occupation ofthe extension; the submissionandapprovalof amaintenancemanualforthesustainabledrainage scheme priorto occupation ofthe extension; no developmentof thepermanentextension commencinguntila remediation strategy to dealwithrisksassociatedwithcontaminationof the sitehasbeen submitted to the County PlanningAuthorityand approved in writing; if duringdevelopment,contaminationnotpreviouslyidentifiedisfoundtobe present, nofurtherdevelopmentshalltakeplaceuntila remediationstrategy hasbeen agreed with the County PlanningAuthority; nopilingor penetrative foundationmethodsbeing usedon sitewithout the priorwritten consentof the County PlanningAuthority; the submissionof anativespecieslandscapescheme includingberry-bearing trees and shrubs, together with detailsof itsmaintenance schemetoensuretheestablishmentof theplantingandits management to benefitbiodiversity; alltreesandhedgesinclose proximitytotheproposeddevelopmentthatare tobe retainedbeing fencedoff withprotective fencingpriortocommencementof thepermanentdevelopment,as set outin the Arboricultural ImpactAssessmentand maintained for the duration ofthe buildingworks; and anylightingof theMUGAnotbeing permittedwithoutthewrittenconsentof the County PlanningAuthority; and


(b)          the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)            they should register the School Travel Plan with KentCountyCouncilthroughthe Jambusterswebsite;


(ii)          SealPrimarySchoolshould pursue,as amatterof importance,thereductionof the speedlimitto 30mphwherethecurrent40mphspeedlimitexists on the A25 atSeal Hollow Road;theintroductionof apedestrianphaseat theSealHollow trafficlights; andtheinclusionof SealPrimarySchoolwithinthe‘SaferSchoolZone’programme in theinterestsof thesafetyof theirpupilsandtoencouragemoresustainable modes oftransport;


(iii)          they need to ensurethatallnecessaryhighwayapprovalsandconsentsare obtained;


(iv)         thedevelopmentshouldtakeaccount oftheBatConservationTrust’s‘Batsand Lightingin the UKguidance; 


(v)          the need toensurethatworks to treesare carried outoutside ofthe breedingbird season and, if thisisnotpossible, thatan ecologist should examine the site priorto workscommencing; and


(vi)         in developing the planting scheme referred to in the landscaping condition above, species should be selected to provide suitable species with berries and be chosen to maximise potential for biodiversity and wildlife


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