Agenda item

Kent & Medway Energy & Low Emissions Strategy - Emerging evidence and priorities

To comment on and note:


1.    the evidence gathered to date and emerging analysis; and


2.    the proposed themes and potential actions outlined in Section 5, to help shape the final draft Strategy


Carolyn McKenzie (Head of Sustainable Business and Communities) and Deborah Kapaj (Sustainable Estates Programme Manager, Sustainable Business and Communities) were in attendance for this item.



1.    Mr Payne (Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste) introduced the report that provided Members with an update on the development of an Energy and Low Emissions Strategy for Kent and Medway and the emerging priorities for action.


2.    Ms McKenzie said that the paper was a further update to the report presented to the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee in May 2018 which set out the evidence base and suggested actions for early consultation feedback. The on-going development of the strategy would continue to be informed through extensive engagement with stakeholders and the Kent Environment Strategy Cross Party Members Group. Ms McKenzie highlighted to the Committee the five key themes (pages 54 – 57) and the potential options for action, which included:


·         Leadership and Governance

·         Evidence and Intelligence 

·         Policy, Planning and Guidance

·         Financing and Investment

·         Communications and Engagement  


Ms McKenzie concluded that the specific costed measures had not yet been defined, however, the evidence gathered indicated a clear need for further action in Kent with support from District Partners, the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership and the SE Local Enterprise Partnership to deliver sustainable growth, improve health outcomes and address the risks of climate change. The proposed  initiatives would be presented to the Committee at a later date and assurance was given to Members that the proposals  would be evaluated using a business case, value for money approach with external funding to ensure maximum impact.


3.    In response to Members queries, Ms McKenzie confirmed that the preparation of the action plan had been moved to the autumn as complex areas required further research. Further work was also needed to be undertaken with partners to ensure a cohesive strategy.


4.    With regard to anti-idling policies, work had been done in conjunction with Canterbury District Council to implement an anti-idling policy in an attempt to reduce pollution. Work had also been carried out with Licencing authorities which looked at providing taxi ranks with electric charging points.


5.    Ms McKenzie explained that many of the potential actions to improve energy and low emissions could not be enforced by Kent County Council, however, the Council was  exploring the feasibility of those options which was why the report used terminology like ‘exploration.’


6.    In response to nuclear sources and emission levels, Ms McKenzie said that the paper focused primarily on the work that had already began, however, Districts had raised questions concerning nuclear power sources and work around this would be considered. In regard to fusion production, Ms McKenzie hoped that the strategy would contain a section that looked at all types of new technology and the feasibility work required around these types of technology. Ms McKenzie agreed to look at whether a breakdown of the fuel consumption could be provided to Members.


7.    Mr Whiting commended the work of Mr Payne who was leading on the Energy and Low Emissions Strategy for Kent and Medway and all the officers involved.


8.    RESOLVED that the:


(a)   evidence gathered to date and emerging analysis; and


(b)  the proposed themes and potential actions outlined in Section 5, to help shape the final draft strategy,


be noted.


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