Agenda item

Verbal Update

To note the written/verbal update from the Cabinet Member for Community & Regulatory Services and the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste.



1.    Mr M Hill, OBE (Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services) informed the Committee of his attendance at:


(a)  The Kent Resilience Forum Conference on 17 October 2018 which focused on Kent County Council’s response to the recovery of emergency operations. Mr Hill said that the forum offered valuable insight and suggested that invite to the forum be extended to Members of the Committee; and


(b)  The Community Safety Conference on 27 October 2018 which focused on preventing extremism and hate in light of the recent terror attacks. The morning session concentrated on the prevent strategy and how this had been applied both nationally and locally and the afternoon session drew on the positive aspects of improving community cohesion such as the interfaith work across the county. Again, Mr Hill said that the conference offered valuable insight to the work being done across the county and suggested that Members of the Committee be invited to attend.


2.    Mr M Whiting (Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste) provided an update to the Committee on the following:


(a)  The Winter Service commenced on 25 October 2018 with deployment of gritters on the primary networks. Seventeen new gritter lorries had been procured to replace existing inoperative vehicles and two newly contracted Farmers were to receive gritting equipment to assist with clearing designated secondary routes within their area. Salt-bins across the county had also been filled and Parish Councils were encouraged to request additional supplies should weather permit. The Smart Winter Project funded by the Kent Lane Rentals programme had also continued as part of the winter service, Mr Whiting confirmed that an additional 120 sensors were due to be in place by the end of December 2018 to monitor, through an accurate and targeted intelligence led approach, where salt and grit was required to optimise primary network routes.


(b)  The Pothole Blitz had successfully repaired 54,000 potholes and over 250,000 square metres of patching. An additional £10.1 million on top of the £4 million capital budget and £1 million emergency revenue repair work funding had been spent on ensuring that Kent’s roads were safe and ensuring they were protected during the winter period. The repair work was delivered throughout the spring and summer months by the District teams and six local small and medium enterprise contractors. Mr Whiting confirmed that the tender process to secure the future Pothole Blitz programme for West Kent, Mid Kent and East Kent had also been completed; each of the areas had several contractors available to undertake the required work. A total of fifteen bids had been received from separate organisations. Mr Whiting said that the tender was a two-year contract to ensure security for the contracted companies and would also help drive efficiency.


(c)   The work around the Ashford Designer Outlet Centre was due to be completed by the end of November 2018 which would improve access to the centre and reduce traffic congestion.


(d)  The construction work of the A226 (London Road and St Clements Way) was progressing well with significant focus on the crossway’s boulevard roundabout. Work was due to be completed by March 2019.


(e)  Phase one of the A2500 lower road work on the Isle of Sheppey was due to be completed by December 2018. Phase 2 which included a detailed design of the widening of the road was underway.


(f)    The Tonbridge Station improvements work was progressing, this was due to be finished by early December 2018.


(g)  A review of Kent County Council’s 20 miles per hour speed limit policy would be taking place and would be presented to the Committee in March or April 2019 following the recent report issued by Government that looked at the effectiveness of the 20 miles per hour speed zones.


3.    In response to questions, the following comments were provided:


(a)  Mr Whiting informed the Committee that Kent County Council was in discussion with Stage Coach to review the bus routes within Thanet and identify revised routes that would not impede upon users but could achieve the required financial saving. Mr Whiting informed the Committee that the proposals from that discussion had been incorporated within the public consultation and encouraged residents to respond.


(b)  Mr Whiting confirmed that regular updates of the Pothole Blitz would be available to Members of the Committee.


(c)   Mr Whiting assured the Committee that Kent County Council would be carrying out an extensive review of the 20 miles per hour speed limit policy and Member involvement would be sought at every appropriate opportunity. Mr S Jones (Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste) agreed to send the Committee the link to the Government ‘Report into the effectiveness of 20 miles per hour (mph) road speed limits.’


(d)  Mr Whiting said that Swale Borough Council had ordered an increased number of salt bags and offered its residents free salt give-aways at town centres to help encourage volunteered clearance of snow and ice.


4.    RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted, with thanks.