Agenda item

Transforming Health & Care in East Kent


Michael Ridgwell (Programme Director, Kent and Medway STP), Caroline Selkirk (Managing Director, East Kent CCGs) and Liz Shutler (Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Strategic Development and Capital Planning, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust) were in attendance for this item.


(1)          The Chair welcomed the guests to the Committee.  Mr Ridgwell provided context on the Case for Change previously reported to Committee, highlighting changes in population, workforce and clinical outcomes.  He explained about the options, consultation and decision process and stated that significant estates development was required under both options. 


(2)          A Member asked about capital and finances.  Mr Ridgwell confirmed that public sector finance was a difficult area but that they were duty bound to explore all potential sources of finance.  Ms Shutler said that all options considered passed an affordability test to progress to the next phase.


(3)          The Chair enquired about the impact on the ability to deliver this due to the CCGs being placed in special measures.  Mr Ridgwell said that this highlighted a need to do this work.  Ms Shutler emphasised that being in special measure did restrict elements such as sign off of capital sources and would impact in terms of process and timelines.


(4)          Members asked questions on population growth modelling and patient flows.  Mr Ridgwell confirmed that demographic and non-demographic growth had been applied and that work undertaken is being aligned to the Kent County Council Growth Infrastructure Framework.  He said that the patient flow appendices related to patients from outside of east Kent accessing services and included people visiting the County and those accessing specialist services. He confirmed that the paper will also go to Medway Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.


(5)          Members asked about planned engagement and decision making.  Mr Ridgwell confirmed that announcement of public engagement events and not formal consultation would be made imminently and committed to inform the Committee when available.  He emphasised that engagement on the development of options was not expected to take place until next year and following a comment regarding inadequate lead in times confirmed that at least four weeks’ notice of planned engagement was given and included using networks to engage hard to reach groups.  He hoped that the Members could assist in disseminating information to the right places.


(6)          A Member asked about the Kent and Medway Stroke Review and the changes in east Kent.  Mr Ridgwell said the scale of changes meant it was inappropriate to wait.  Ms Shutler said that everybody supported getting the stroke services in place as soon as possible to give improvement to patient outcomes. The Chair said that consistent messaging on reconsideration had been given throughout the process and had been discussed within the Joint HOSC that was considering the Stroke Review formally.


(7)          RESOLVED that:


(a)          the Committee deems that proposed changes in Transforming Health and Care in East Kent to be a substantial variation of service;


(b)          NHS representatives be invited to attend this Committee and present an update at an appropriate meeting once the timescale has been confirmed.


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