Agenda item

Flood Risk Management Committee Annual Report


1.            Mr Hills, the Chairman of the Flood Risk Management Committee introduced the report of his Committee which included work undertaken over the past year.  The Committee was an outward facing body looking at flood risks and water management across the County.  The Committee encouraged the external groups to attend and it was well supported by experienced officers. 


2.            The Chairman asked Mr Hills how his committee engaged with other organisations in relation to the delivery of water services to serve the high levels of housing that districts were due to build?


3.            A Member also asked about the round England footpath.  Mr Hills confirmed that this was a concern, and it would be necessary to revisit this in the future.  The Committee asked that the Council take a positive stance in protecting every inch of the County’s coastline. 


4.            Members welcomed the report, concerns were raised about the impact of significant housing producing high levels of waste alongside increased rainfall resulting in systems operating at capacity.  Was there more that KCC could do to draw attention to this, perhaps in conjunction with the planning authorities?  Mr Hills explained that extreme weather conditions were putting pressure on the drains, but officers were working hard to ensure that the drainage systems were in the best condition possible to cope with such weather conditions.  In relation to housing, some sites were being developed with grey water and others were looking at how water and waste could be used in the future. 


5.            Members discussed the issues associated with climate change and the challenges facing Kent.  The Committee was constantly evaluating the information available from the relevant agencies. 


6.            A Member referred to paragraph 7.2 of the report, and attendance by Committee Members.


7.            Members welcomed the report and one Member asked about water resource and reduction in leakage, was there enough emphasis on water leakage reduction?  Mr Hills explained that his Committee took this issue very seriously and had heard recently from Southern Water who had a target of reducing water usage per person per day.  It was a changing world and in fact water usage in Kent had reduced in the last 20 years because of the change in industrial practices.


8.            In response to a question about gulley clearance, whether this was done sufficiently, and the associated road safety aspects of flash flooding.  Mr Hills explained that more information would be available after his meeting next week, it was important to ensure that accurate information regarding flooding was disseminated to members of the public.  Mr Hills would report back to the Committee on this issue.  


9.             In relation to prevention, was there any way in which KCC could help prevent flooding issues?  Mr Hills explained that it was preferable to divert or hold back water before it reached towns and villages; natural management of water.  This was a slow process which required negotiation with land owners etc.  it was important, and Mr Hills confirmed that his Committee would continue to investigate this within its powers. 


10.         A Member asked whether the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation had reported to the Flood Risk Committee, bearing in mind the 15,000 houses which were due to be built on this development site.  Mr Hills was not aware that they had reported to the Committee, but this would be considered for the future work programme. 


11.         In relation to attendance at the Flood Risk Management Committee, Mr Tait clarified that an invitation was sent to all District and Borough councils and that if their nominated representative did not attend the papers were sent to the Leader of each Council.  Mr Tait confirmed that it was not KCC Members who were not attending the meeting. 


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Committee thank Mr Hills and Mr Tait for attending the meeting and NOTE the content of the report.


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